Special Address
Security for whom?
Feminist Perspectives on Security and Governance during the Pandemic
Dr. Tiina Seppälä
Senior Researcher,
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lapland, Finland
The presentation critically discusses mainstream
conceptualisations of security, that is, male-driven, state-oriented and
Euro-centric discourses which have continued to dominate academic and
political debates and imaginaries despite the global pandemic. Drawing on
transdisciplinary intersections of feminist peace research, critical
development studies, postcolonial theory and forced migration studies, it
asks: “Security for whom, under what terms, and for what purposes?” It
reflects on the ways in which displaced, migrant and refugee women, and women
in other marginalised and racialised communities have visibilised complex
insecurities and intensifying inequalities caused by the pandemic in their
everyday lives, and utilised their knowledge and expertise not only in taking
care of themselves and their families but in enacting care and solidarity
also to others through community engagement and mutual aid, thus contesting
mainstream understandings of security in multiple ways.
Special Address
Good Governance: A
Necessary and often a Sufficient Condition for Attaining Human Security
Prof. Alka Parikh
Professor, Dhirubhai
Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Mumbai
This is a brief explanation of how good
governance is closely related to human security. A nation that is governed by a leader hated
by the people would be facing countless issues related to human security. An
incompetent, partisan and corrupt government also will not be able to achieve
much on the human security front. But a well governed nation would make it
its goal to provide a good standard of living and a good quality of life to
its citizens. Citing various examples, the talk argues that democracy is not
a necessary condition for achieving human security. A benevolent king or a
good dictator can achieve much more security for its people compared to a
chaotic democracy. The talk then concentrates on two nations - Sweden and
Bhutan - to talk of how good governance leads to making a nation that assures
highest levels of different aspects of human security to its citizens.
Special Address
Human Security and
Global Governance Crisis in South Asia
Prof. Rajpal Budania
University of Allahabad, Prayagraj, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Human security has become a significant paradigm
in security discourses and governance the world over. Human security is more
than the military defence of the state’s existential values. It emphasises
the importance of the welfare of the individuals and communities by way of
protection and empowerment; best achieved through common policies and regimes
by states. Human security is a progressive idea and it provides a new
framework to deal with threats to security and governance. New sources of
insecurities, such as extremism, terrorism, internal strife, migration and
problems of refugees, financial crisis, climate change, poverty, etc.,
threaten the survival of many states and they cannot be tackled through
traditional approaches by individual states. They require collective efforts
and mechanisms by states, regionally and globally. Regional or global
governance is fundamental to enhancing human security goals. South Asia
remains a highly conflict-ridden region. This region is faced with all kinds
of vulnerabilities and threats. There are humanitarian crises in several
areas of the region. The states in
the region are having a preoccupation with state security and state-centric
policy formulations despite serious humanitarian crises. At the same time, it
will be instructive to explore how states in South Asia through their
policies and roles have caused human insecurity. Human security can best be
promoted through regional or global governance structures. The South Asian
region has faced several challenges to the goals of security and governance.
The states have weak institutional bases, and domestic and regional
governance dynamics have been inadequate to the pursuit of human security
values in the region. In fact, in recent times the domestic and international
variables have further deteriorated, thus, limiting the prospects of regional
governance in South Asia.
Special Address
Protection from a Human Security Perspective: towards Building a Human
Security Index for Minorities
Andrea Carlà
Senior Researcher, Eurac
Research, Institute for Minority Rights, Italy
Security has become a recurring theme
when addressing minority issues. Though minorities are often perceived as
raising security concerns, the fundamental task is to ask ‘security for
whom?’ and reflect on what in society really needs to be secured. Addressing
this question, this contribution analyzes minority issues in terms of ‘human
Human security regards the need to
guarantee the well-being of individuals, providing ‘freedom from fear,’ ‘freedom
from want’ and ‘human dignity.’ I argue that a human security approach
provides several insights to better deal with minority concerns, adding to
the traditional goal of recognizing civil, political and cultural rights, a
more comprehensive, holistic understanding of the needs and challenges faced
by members of minorities. However, human security is a vague term that is not
clearly operationalized. In this light, this contribution aims at discussing
the implications of addressing minority protection from a human security
perspective as well as the need for an innovative human security index that
applies specifically to cultural diversity issues and allows to measure the
degree of human security provided to minorities, setting some preliminary
thoughts for its development.
Special Address
Understanding Value
of Human Security: A Buddhist Reading
Rev. Dr. Wadinagla
Head, Department of
Buddhist Thought, Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Readings of Buddhism can be divided into two when
we come to discuss the theme of human security. Some group of scholars have
tried to show that Buddhism is not concerned with secular matters but only
otherworldly matters and individual liberation. The second category of
scholars, who have directly discussed the theme of human security, though do
not try to characterize Buddhism as other-world oriented religion, emphasize
mental transformation through moral training as the only way to attain human
security. The present paper assuming a different position from both these
categories, first argues that Buddhist teachings are concerned with
well-being of society at this moment. Then, the paper will address the point
how Buddhism proposes taking concrete actions at physical level to assure
human security at two levels, individual and social. At the individual level,
the person must awake empathy towards all fellow human beings by
understanding how oneself loves life and fears of
insecurity. This aspect is covered by training morality (observing moral
rules-sīla) and mental cultivation (samādhi). At the collective
level, Buddhism demands the rulers to take necessary actions to assure
security of the public in a country. The Buddhist way of guiding rulers is to
demand them to adhere to moral teachings. The teachings such as ten royal
duties (dasa rāja dhammā), seven non-degenerative principles (satta
aparihiniyā dhammā) and duties of universal monarch (cakkavatti)
produce a systematic guidance. By taking a close analysis of the Buddhist
texts and empirical narratives reflected in the Buddhist texts and Buddhist
societies, the present study will try to examine how practicing these
teachings are conducive to bring about human security at the state-level
Special Address in a Special Panel
Rise of Sectarian
Nationalism in India
Prof. Dr. Ram
President, Centre for
Study of Society and Secularism, Mumbai
During last few
decades Sectarian Nationalism, in the name of Hindutva is on the rise in
India. It has taken up issues related to identity of religion and targeted
Religious minorities, Muslims and Christians. Thrpugh raising emotive
pitch around Ram Temple, Cow-Beef, Love_Jihad it has targeted Msulims and
through the bogey of conversion it has tageted Christians. There is an
increase in the attacks on these communities and a gross violation of
their democratic and Human rights. The violence against Muslims was witnessed
in Mumbai, Gujarat, Muzaffarnagar and recently in
Delhi. The ghastly burning of Pastor Graham Stewart Stains and Kandhamal
Violence tormented the Christian Community.
Along with this is the
attack on India's marginalized dalits and women. We need a great challenge to
preserve our democratic ethos to protect the human rights of all sections of society.
Special Address as Organising Secretory of the Conference
Covid-19 Pandemic
and Human Security: An Appraisal from Bangladeshi Perspective
Dr Sujit Dutta
Associate Professor
Department of
International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
The Covid-19 pandemic has emerged as one of the
most significant security threats to humankind in the 21st century. About 1
billion people have already been infected with the coronavirus, and about 8
million people have died so far from this Covid-19 pandemic; like the other
countries in the world, the infection and death rate of Covid-19 increases
day by day in Bangladesh. It proves how helpless man is to nature and this
unconventional threat! The lives of the marginalized people of Bangladesh are
most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the relationship
between the social structure of society and power continues to determine the
severity of the pandemic in human life. The most hopeful thing for Bangladesh
is a disaster-prone country that has always been moving forward by overcoming
various crises. Bangladesh has already devised many strategies to address the
humanitarian crisis through which they have stood tall in the world.
Bangladesh has made some landmark decisions in the fight against the Covid-19
pandemic, which has resulted in the protection of much of the human security
of the people of Bangladesh. The primary purpose of this paper is to find out
how the Covid-19 pandemic has threatened the security of the people of Bangladesh.
Special Address in the Valedictory Session
Children Rights and
Governance in India
Alok Kumar Gupta
Associate Professor , Department of
International Relations Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi
are citizens in their own right, entitled to the full spectrum of human
rights. Primary reason for protection of rights of children is because of the
fact that the children are comparatively more vulnerable than adults to the
conditions under which they live. The modernization of any culture and
civilization is reflected in the fulfilment of state’s obligation to the
young generation; the way it opens up opportunities for every child to groom
his/her personality and achieve physical, mental, moral and spiritual heights
in life. The global leadership did recognise about the cries for justice to
children and made adequate arrangements by way of conventions and protocols.
Hence, the prevalence of good governance in a country irrespective of the
form of government largely depend upon its measures for protection of child
rights and promotion of their well-being.
has the largest number of child labourers under the age of 14 in the world
with an estimated 12.6 million children engaged in hazardous occupations.
[Modern Slavery Index, 2013]. 13,40,000 children
below the age of 5 die in a year accounting to 3671 child deaths per day.
Nearly half of all child deaths under 5 in India are attributed to
undernutrition. 1 in every 11 children in India is working, when they should
be at school. More than half (56%) of the under 5 deaths occur within the
first 28 days of coming to life. India accounts for more than 3 out of 10
stunted children in the world. 47% of the women in India are married when
they are child, before the age of 18, and 30% bear a child when they are a
child and end up as adolescent mothers. 17.7 million children
and adolescents are out of school in India, which is 14% of the World’s
population of children out of school. 20% of Grade-II children in India
cannot recognize numbers 1 to 9. 53 % of children drop out of school at
elementary level. 49.5 % of Grade-V children cannot do subtraction and 55% of
Grade-VIII children cannot solve 3 digits by 1 digit division problem. 51% of
children of Grade-VIII cannot read Grade-II text. These statistics may be
based on conservative estimates.
related issues are writ large in Indian society. Child marriage, child abuse,
beggary, bonded labour, corporal punishments, sex selective abortion, are to
name but a few. There are umpteen number of legal and policy interventions to
facilitate the growth and development of children, and protection and
promotion of their rights. Therefore, it makes it imperative to explore as to
what is wrong within the system that in spite of availability of laws and
policy the children are not safe. This is a serious bottleneck towards
road to good governance. Author thus intents to
discuss in his paper the status of child rights in India; the measures taken
so far; and enumerate the major imperatives to ensure and enhance security of
children in India.
Practices of Supreme Student Government (SSG) in the Public Secondary
Schools in Region III: A Paradigm Shift of 21st Century Leaders
Anthony Gambon Pumaras
Teacher , Victoria
National High School, Philippines
Dr. Gilbert P.
State University, Pangasinan, Philippines
study focused on the governance practices of Supreme Student Government
(SSG) in the public secondary schools in Region III, Central Luzon with the
end view of a paradigm shift of 21st Century leaders. Frequency counts,
percentages, average weighted mean, point-biserial, spearman, chi-square
test and MANOVA were used to treat the data statistically. The extent of
governance practices was found to be significantly correlated with the age,
grade level and the mothers’ highest educational attainment of the student
leaders with the extent of governance practices along duties and functions
of SSG officers. Meanwhile, the extent of governance practices was found to
be significantly correlated with the frequency of manifestation of the 21st
Century Leadership skills. The substantial and positive relationship
suggests that student leader with high extent of governance practices of
SSG officers tend to have the high frequency of manifestation of the 21st
Century leadership skills. The researcher strongly recommends SSG advisers
and officers should have to be more focused upon the needs, concerns, and
interests of its constituents. It should organize a regular forum where it
could gain insights about the concerted needs of the students.
Pandemic and its impact on the Horizon of Women Trafficking in India: A
Reflection on Sustainable Development Goals
Amrita Banerjee
Professor, Bidhan Chandra College Asansol, India Affiliated to Kazi Nazrul
University.West Bengal
term ‘sustainability’ is essentially related with the relationship between
the environment and society. The policy makers possess a complex challenge
of simultaneously preserving the natural environment and promote
development in the production of the basic needs for the common citizens.
For resolving these two paradoxical problems have however taken the form of
the concept “THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, that is the development which
help in achieving the basic needs of the common without hampering the needs
of the future generations. Government however achieved consensus in support
of this development and however have periodically pledged to carefully
formulate the policies for such development without any compromise with the
environment. Poverty and health possess a direct relationship with
environment. When the poverty level decreases it decreases the condition of
the common and thus degradation of the environment take place
simultaneously. The major countries of the world are however below the
poverty level and Covid-19 is threatening to plunge millions more into
poverty and worsen global hunger altogether. The pandemic has changed the
view towards every aspect of life and keeping this in view the focus of the
paper is made on the non- conventional security threat perception
challenging the democratic institutions of justice i.e., human trafficking
with special reference to women and sustainable development has been one of
the potential areas which have been discussed in this paper at length
wherein lies the methods to be adopted to check this modern form of slavery
which is one of the worst violations of human rights.
analysis of News Related To women, Published in News Paper
Dr Kiran Walia
Professor, Amity School of Communication, Amity University Mumbai
research paper includes gender security approach in the selection,
placement, and presentation of news related to women in Print media. The
comparative study of the newspapers published 15 years back was full of
skill related to art, craft, stitching, pass time tips etc. also, portray
of women in the print media of the year 2002 to 2004, depicts that
household work, taking care of family members, upbringing of children,
cleaning, cooking, and to serve according to the need of each family member
with great care is the prime duty of women. Professionalism and careerist
approach is secondary. The articles on Wednesday and Sunday special
editions of the Daily Newspapers are full of different sectors such as home
décor, cookery tips, childcare, clothe care, and also include features like
‘how to make husband happy, how to maintain relationship with In laws, it
was guided by the author that women should not be self-centric but should
compromise with self and self-esteem. An ideal woman according to male
dominated ideology inspired writer would categorize kind of lady more
graceful, with no liberation of taking decision at her own, she was not
allowed to travel alone and to maintain financial transactions. A lady
without any queries, choices and vision considered a perfect homely
creature. Accordingly, characteristic feature of an Indian Women,
presentation of women related news with male dominated perspective.
Inspired with orthodox framework of mindset, ideology towards women as a
home maker, cook and not as a sports person or technical personality. The
mentality and selection of words accordingly was not respectful.
Developmental news of women is rarely presented on front page or at
prominent page, but sensational and negative news are on front page. The
crime related news is exaggerated such as rape news, molestation, legal
proceeding of rape and remarks by politicians, officials were published
with prominence as if women are not supposed to come out of house and
should not wear clothes that appeal man for lust. Choice, desires and
freedom from do’s and don’ts are not meant for women. The news of
achievement, women liberation, struggle for freedom from male dominance etc
are covered in very short and scattered manner. The impact and display of
these news was not so loud comparatively. The news related to women in
films, exposure to national or international level achievement, struggle
for freedom, talent, controversy, and crime, are all treated at same level.
The positive and inspirable stories are less. Hence the mentality of
“media” was orthodox towards women related issues and their placement in
news media. The news of women was more of preaching and portrayed as a
perfect housewife, which was considered more successful and satisfying than
a woman in job depicting her problems such as failure in relationships,
responsibilities towards children and maintenance of house, cooking etc.
economic independence of a women and the character of women is always
doubtful if the outfit is modern. In nutshell my research paper analyzes
types of news & articles published for women with bias perspective.
Culture of Inequality: Status of Girl Child Education in North
Indian Patriarchal Society
Dr. Kanchan Chandan
Teaching Faculty, Punjab University
Chandigarh, Punjab
childhood and education in India, as well as the historical development of
the Nation's ability to cope with gender issues, had always been an
imperative theme for study for social scientists. The conventions and
rituals that girls are brought up in and gendered into womanhood form a
regime that is incompatible with the ideal vision of childhood embodied in
child-centred educational strategies. The structural predisposition of the
Indian state under colonialism is to maintain patriarchy, unless education
is epistemologically reconceptualized with the support of collaborative
academic endeavours together with numerous disciplines, it is unlikely that
it will be able to address gender asymmetry. In India, gender imbalances
lead to a great deal of emphasis on male than of female’s empowerment and
education. Health and population indicators that are steer by gender
differences includes sex ratios at birth, infant and child mortality by
sex, and low ages at marriage for women. At the household level, dis-empowerment
of women results in less access to education, employment, and income, and
power and freedom of movement. While keeping all these facts in mind, India
and its society has a huge mission of empowering women to provide them the
basic needs and to prepare them for a safe and productive future. The core
emphasis of study is explore the most marginalised strata of our society
i.e. women and the girl child and their struggle to meet up to the
normative set up of the society
and the issue of Non-security threats in India
Professor, Jawahar Lal Nehru Government College, Haripur, Manali, Himachal
issue of non-traditional security threats are emerging in the present world
order. The states are also focusing on the issue of non-traditional
security threats after covid-19. The present paper deals with the emerging
importance and significance of Non-traditional security threats. The
importance also marked after the outbreak of Covid-19. The first section
deals with the issue of health and agriculture in India and its relevance
for the human security. The second section deals with the significance of
environment and its importance for the human security while relating the
debate with present deadlock at international level. The conclusion is
driven while relating the concept of human security with these important
issues. Key Words: Globalisation, Securitisation, Non-traditional threats,
Nation–States, Human Security
Through Historical Prism
Shobha Singh
Professor, Shri Ratanlal Kanwarlal Patni Government P.G. College, Kishangarh,
the Inception of the state, the task of the government has been to govern,
to cater the needs of the society. The Dawn of globalisation is said to has
brought about notion of good governance and has imposed upon the governments
that their task is not simply to govern but govern effectively and
efficiently, in a manner receptive to the needs of the citizen. The
quintessential of good governance appears to be a set of principles towards
maximization of citizen welfare efficiency,effectiveness,
participation, accountability, rule
of law. There was a presumption that
ancient government were mainly monarchial and the times did not favour good
governance rather it was all dependent on the sweet will of the King, law
was the command of the sovereign, the king personified the state and
citizen had no role in rule making. The Government consisted of numerous
organs but the king was Supreme. Tt is strongly contended that citizen
responsive administrative is a western model and a product of
The earliest record of governance is found in the Vedas. Primarily they are
hymns of worship but they also gave us an idea of the Socio-Political
condition prevalent during that period. The vedic literature consists of
Ideas to be followed both by the sovereign and the subjects for the
maintenance of peace and happiness in the kingdom. The Shantiparva of
Mahabharata, a discourse on state craft delivered by Bhiswa to Yudhister
comprehensively describes the functions, duties of the good King, both
during normal times and during period of crisis. The king had a moral
political and social obligation to provide for good governance though the
concept was not as explicit as it appears today. The Arthshastra is the most
important work in Hindu political thought. The concept of welfare state is
embedded in Kautilya's guidelines of statecraft wherein it is stated that
in the happiness of the subjects lies his happiness, in their welfare his
welfare, whatever pleases himself he shall not consider as good, but
whatever makes a subject happy he shall consider good. Arthshastra gives to the Welfare of the
citizens, the
first place in all consideration of policy, the common good of the people
and their sustained happiness are considered as main ends for the service
of which Kautilya called out an elaborate administrative system.
Security, Healthcare Access and Trends in Global Health Inequalities:
Governance and Legal Remedies in the light of post COVID- 19 Pandemic
Bhupinder Singh
Professor of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR, New Delhi
quality of life needs good health and our facility to enjoy life is
directly influenced by our ability to avoid sickness or injury. The most
popular metric for describing a population's health is life expectancy.
According to historical statistics, global life expectancy has risen
dramatically over the last two centuries, with significant long-term gains
in all countries. Indeed, recent increases in life expectancy in developing
countries have been particularly significant. The prevention of disease and
fitness of human being, good health also put very important contribution to
economic progress of any country as healthy people put fewer burdens on
healthcare infrastructure, life span increases, more productive to work,
take less medicines, etc. The study of public health seeks to identify the
factors that affect the health of communities, cities and society at large
and to ensure that conditions and policies that protect health on this
scale are put into place. This field has become more important than ever
with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, unquestionably the most
serious global public health challenge of our lifetime. Public health
experts are playing a vital role in shaping our response to COVID-19 by
mapping the spread of the illness, identifying ways to slow its
transmission and mitigate its impacts, and formulating recommendations for
action geared towards policymakers as well as the public. The people’s
healthcare and its protection is the task of medical professionals through
a multiplicity of arenas which includes proper medicine, healthcare
legislations, policies/programs/plans/schemes, innovation in healthcare,
social science, medicare research, etc. Reductions in infant and maternal
mortality have been critical in the past for increasing life expectancy
around the world. However, significant gaps persist in both of these health
measures: infant mortality rates in low-income countries are already more
than ten times higher than those in high-income countries. Pneumonia,
malaria, diarrhoea, and other illnesses claim children’s lives. There is
substantial evidence that social factors such as education, employment
status, income level, gender, and hygiene have a significant impact on a person's
health. There are considerable differences in various social classes'
health status in all countries, whether they are low-, middle-, or
high-income. The lower a person's socioeconomic status is, the greater
their chance of poor health. Health inequities are disparities in health
status or health resource distribution among different demographic groups
that result from the social circumstances in which people are born,
develop, live, work, and age. Inequities in health care are unjust and can
be minimized with the correct combination of government policies. People's
well-being is an essential aspect of their well-being because it improves
their ability to engage in the labour market and benefit from economic and
job growth. Increased focus on public health and disease prevention and
increased access to health care will help vulnerable groups improve their
health and life expectancy and raise their job rates and social inclusion.
Systematic disparities in the health status of various demographic groups
are known as health inequities. Individuals and economies alike bear
substantial social and economic costs as a result of these inequities.
Impact of Climate Change on the Coastal Belt of Andaman Islands
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Biswas
Assistant Professor, Department of
International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, Cheri-Manatu,
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Change today remains one of the most serious and unavoidable threats to the
animals, planets, human kind and entire biodiversity in general. Andaman
Islands are home to four indigenous tribes and diverse ecosystem and
wildlife. Besides, pre and post 1942 settlers from mainland India, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar also living in the islands. According to IPCC
reports there was globally more about 15 mm rise in sea level in 20th
century but currently sea level is increasing 3 mm per year. So with the
increasing sea level in near future these islands region may not be
hospitable for human to live. Similarly the effects of climate change are
easily visible with the unusual cyclones that are continuously occurring
for a long time. On the other hand due to booming in the tourism industry,
infrastructural developments and various other development activities
brought a significant change in the demographic pattern of the region as
well as in the climate behaviour. In respect to India’s geo-strategic
interest, Andaman and Nicobar Islands has the choke point for the strategic
points of view that will be given the command towards the regional power as
well the international politics. Whereas, the climate change has another
challenges for geo-strategic implication on the coastal level that the
impact and risk of high temperature reducing the working productive. Most
of the research and report talks about climate change in Andaman and
Nicobar Islands in general and hence, this research is going to discuss the
following issues related to climate change and its impact on Deforestation,
Migration, Illegal Poaching, and Growing Unemployment due to climate and
growing tour and travel industry in the islands
Quest for Self-Reliance in the Defence Sector: The Dilemma of Defence or
Alok Kumar Gupta
Professor, Central University of Jharkhand, Jharkhand
and Development have remained companions to each other in India’s National
Security discourse and are largely perceived within the “guns vs butter
debate. The general notion is that the defence expenditure is indispensable
for maintaining national security, integrity, peace, harmony, etc. India is
not an exception to this ideology. To main a secure stable and peaceful
environment, defence expenditure is mandatory. In India planned development
has been going on for several decades now. During this period various
sectors of the economy have witnessed a record level of development.
Despite all this development, India’s population growth has not slowed
down. The rise in population poses a major challenge to economic growth
initially further hindering human development. Therefore, Human Resource
Development is the only pragmatic approach to tackle the problem of
population and development in India. The assessment of the economic and
social effects of military expenditure has been a debatable issue for
decades. Defence spending has a positive impact on economic growth through
its impact on aggregate demand, internal and external security-enhancing
investment and employment opportunity in an economy, and an adverse impact
on economic growth mainly through its crowding-out effects and balance of
payment issues. Investment in defence also creates job opportunities and
hence, increases purchasing power and demand for goods and services and
boost economic growth. Thus, the debate of gun vs butter or defence vs
development is a matter of perception and both the expenditure are
indispensable and cannot be neglected
and Sustainable food system: An Indian Perspective
Professor, Department of Political Science, Magadh University, BodhGaya,
Traditional security interests have redefined international relations and
challenged the neo-liberal state in substantial ways. Food reduces actors
as self help groups and makes trade politics substantially protective but
formally multilateral. Developing systems are in pressure to feed their
bourgeoning population with limited resources while they are still
dependent on unsustainable means. In such a background, food sector is one
that demands greatest innovation. The present paper seeks to analyze sustainable
food systems and its applicability in Indian context, especially the food
versus feed debate and the vegetarian versus non-vegetarian perspective. In
Indian, it is not only the pragmatic concerns of land resources, feed
formulation and livestock production but also the contested ethos of
vegetarianism that has seen state intervention in recent times. The paper
will investigate the chances of triangulating trends in consumer
preferences, producer challenges and sustainable feeding within the broader
Indian environment
Operationalising human security: What role for the Responsibility to
Protect (R2P)?
Raymond Kwun-Sun Lau
Department of Political Science
& Sociology, North South University, Bangladesh
its birth in the Human Development Report of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) in 1994, the human security concept a people-centred
approach has not only broadened the meaning of security but also challenged
the traditional state-centric approach to international security. The UN
General Assembly’s adoption of the resolution (A/RES/66/290) in September
2012 has, for the first time, formally recognised human security as an
approach to ‘assist Member States in identifying and addressing widespread
and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of
their people’. Yet, while there have been thematic debates and panel
discussions on human security within the UN, there has been a gradual shift
away from their advocacy of human security to the responsibility to protect
(R2P) among key UN member states. Notwithstanding the reluctance of the UN
member states to fully endorse human security, little attention has been
paid to exploring the role the R2P principle in promoting and operationalising
human security. This chapter, therefore, seeks to understand the
relationship between R2P and human security. It particularly pays attention
to how R2P can play a role in operationalising human security. In line with
former Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy’s efforts to situate ‘human
security in the R2P era’, this chapter argues that the R2P principle can
help clarify the scope and sharpen the focus of human security, thereby
strengthening the implementation of the concept. R2P, in this sense, can be
used either as a policy framework or a mobilisation tool for strengthening
the people-centred human security concept via highlighting the importance
of a state's responsibility to protect its population.
Media redefining the boundaries of Human Security
Dr. Ruhi Sarangal
Assistant Professor, Chandigarh Business
School of Administration, Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Mohali
Ashok Kumar
Professor, Defence and Strategic
Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
boundaries of human security have been evolving and leading to explore the
new dimensions being added to it. Human security no longer confines just to
the physical aspects or to the border issues. The new virtual world has been
emerged due to technological advancements which have redefined the
dimensions of human security, with the advent of social media. The rapid
growth of social media has prepared the structure of information to be
disseminated and identified in an exponential manner. The explosive growth
and popularity of the various social media platforms have lead to a change
in perspective and lifestyle of individuals and encouraging communication
across the globe. The novel element of the social media has made lives different
and updated in the virtual spaces but has anyways opened up to the
vulnerabilities and threats that were unknown earlier. Clearly, this trend
represents a significant challenge for both users and administrators. In
fact, the widespread adoption of social networking sites has raised a wide
range of security and privacy concerns, which have not been fully addressed
yet. In many cases, users are not even aware of the disclosure of their
personal information through their profiles. Leakage of a user’s personal
information happens to have various security dimensions which pose a great
threat to human security. This paper will examine the various dimensions of
User’s privacy as a threat to human security.
of Asian Trade and International Labor Law: Needs to be Revised for Labor
Human Security
Faridul Alam
Department of International Relations, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
home to over half of the world’s work force, the
quality of work in the Asia-Pacific region obviously has enormous
consequences for the aggregate total welfare of workers globally. Just by
account of its large size, the region naturally houses a large absolute
quantity of labor problems, which makes it important to go beyond absolute
numbers. After the Second World War, mistrust of social welfare was rampant
among the East Asian NICs. In the 1960s, social welfare was considered of
secondary importance to economic policy and was developed to meet needs
only to the extent that they would not hinder economic development. The
UNDP in their Human Development report in 2006 though recognized Asia as
has embraced free trade, questioned whether the free trade embraced Asia’s
poor as well or not. While much has been written about the relative success
of the Asia-Pacific region under globalization, the reality is that growth
has been unequal and exclusionary in most countries. Non-compliance on
International Labor Standards (ILS) has of various forms, which are being
frequently witnessed in the Asian countries. Minimum wages can be an
important part of the policy toolkit to meet the needs of workers and their
families. However, minimum wages do not adequately fulfill this role if
non-compliance is widespread.
Human Security And World Politics
Sitaram Choudhary
Professor, Department of ABST, Government College, Dudu, Rajasthan
human security agenda in world politics is commonly viewed as a conceptual
challenge to the realist approaches to security that have, until recently,
dominated both academic Security Studies and, to some extent, the practice
of international politics. Where realist approaches privilege the state as
the primary referent for security (whose security is to be protected),
proponents of human security emphasize the ways in which states often
compromise the security of their own citizens. In particular, where
repressive political regimes generate insecurity for their citizens through
the denial of basic human rights, the human security agenda foregrounds
attention to the security concerns of individual men and women. Second,
where realist approaches posit a narrow, conception of security, focused on
the threat and use of military force, many formulations of human security
argue for a broader, more holistic - or developmentcentered - understanding
of security in which economic, health and environmental concerns are
recognized as important sources of insecurity. Although it is often assumed
that recasting security in holistic and people-centered UNESCO – EOLSS
I - The Human Security Agenda in World Politics - Pauline Ewan
©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) terms open up space for a
new, more ‘progressive’ form of security politics; many critics fear the
analytical and political dangers that may accompany a broad,
development-centred conception of security. Crucially, critics argue that
ideas about human security cannot be separated out from the wider power
relations that structure the international system. In this respect, where
human security becomes a justification for heavy handed forms of military
intervention, it may signal the emergence of what critics have called a
new, post-imperialist regime of power.
Women Empowerment in India: Path to Human Security and sustainable
Dr. Tanushri Purohit
Associate Professor, Amity Business
School, Amity University Haryana
the globe there is an imperative need to devise gender mainstreaming
strategies in conjunction with human security interventions to promote
women’s empowerment. Empowerment is a "multi-dimensional social
process that assists people in taking responsibility of their own
life." It is a process that develops people's power so that they can
use it in their own lives, communities, and society by acting on issues
that they consider essential. Women's empowerment comprises enabling and
encouraging women to make life-changing decisions on a variety of subjects
in the country. To nurture sustainable development there is a need to
understand the power of empowerment. The paper attempts to look into the
context of women empowerment in relation to the dynamism of human security
for long term sustainable development
Security and Governance
Nitesh Bhatia
Professor, Department of Business Administration, Central University of
Jharkhand, Ranchi, Jharkhand
represent almost half of the Indian population. Where, rural areas are home
to three fourth of India. Devoid of basic education and awareness of human
rights coupled with deep rooted superstitious beliefs makes like more
vulnerable for women in particular.
Various Central and State government schemes and programmes have been
launched to improve the live and livelihood of rural women with a view of
generating women security and empowerment. Every new programme launched
included the observations of failures of the previous programmes, one such
programme is National Rural Livelihood Mission, launched in 2011,
integrating the learnings from Integrated Rural Development Programme
launched in 1991. NRLM aims to develop women's life by developing them into
Self Help Groups. Similar to other State Mission Management Units,
Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society has been bestowed with the
responsibility of implementing the mission and moving towards the holistic
development of rural women. The NGOs have a grassroot connection with the
people residing in the rural pockets. With the effecient support and
collaboration of Government, Non-Government Organisations and People, women
security and holistic development can be attained.
Few instances of the progress made by JLSPS in the last decade are Jangal
Bachao Abhiyan, Udan Pariyojana, JOHAR pariyojana and Garima Pariyojana.
JSLPS have promoted hundreds of women to start up their own venture by
taking loan from their respective SHGs. The visible ones are Grocery
Stores, Pickle-making business, Beauty-parlors etc.
Keeping in mind the challenges posed by Global warming, trainings related
to various off-farm and non-farm livelihood opportunities have been
provided to free the rural women from the shackles of socio-economic
Security and Governance - Towards a Gender Inclusive Society
Nima John
Director & Head of Institution, Amity School of Communication &
Amity Film School, Amity University Mumbai, Mumbai
of Strategies, Practices and Policies related to Gender Inclusive Society.
Gender occupies a central position amongst the many axis of discrimination
and exclusion. Safety and Gender inclusion are broad aspects for any
society. The study the focuses on the ability of women to participate, to
study, to work and move around, and more specifically to address the
violence that women and girls face in the process of carrying out their
daily activities. The paper deals with the Women's Safety in India – Concern
and Challenges. It highlights the concept of violence against women in
India, the need for security and the reformation of security policies.
Further, discussing the principles of good security sector governance and
engaging with security sector reform (SSR) can help to achieve the goals of
the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda.
& Governance
Dr. Gouri Shankar Nag
Head of the Department of Political Science, Co-ordinator of the Atish
Dipankar Srijnan Centre of South Asian Studies, Sidho-Kanho-Birsha
University, Purulia, West Bengal
of all, I wish to congratulate the organizers of this prestigious
international conference on Human Security and Governance for taking up
this burning issue for deliberation especially in the post-Covid phase of
looming uncertainty when we are trying frantically to muster confidence in
our journey towards comprehensive, holistic and sustainable development.
The pathology of the crisis unleashed by the pandemic was humongous yet the
introspection was worth rewarding in the sense that appraised the value of
our critical thinking on our hitherto porous and inadequate
conceptualization of security. From that perspective, this conference is
inspirational for it flags the gaps in our traditional conceptual map of
security, and further brings about a revolution in our mindset that
education and governance could be significant agents of a desirable process
of transformation. Even if the thoughts of the platform may be esoteric or
tech-savvy, the effect of communicative action of this conference could
turn into a veritable input much like the missionary zeal for the
realisation of positive shift in the philosophy of society, to make
education more broad based and governance to become more humane,
less-hierarchical and eclectic, thereby changing the notion and dynamics of
security lock, stock and barrel. As Professor Amartya Sen has stressed on
freedom as empowerment, in the same vein I presume that the academic
discussion would be most prolific in suggesting the emerging contours of
Human Security in widest possible manner, thereby touching upon nuanced
aspects while upholding the vision of Human Security in sync with public
health, adult education, financial stability and mass mobilization and
proliferation for social coalition for participation in decision making.
Pandemic within the Pandemic: Gender related violence in India
Somdatta Banerjee
Professor, New Alipore College, Kolkata, West Bengal
insecurities of women and children became evident during the Covid 19
phase. The primary reason for this has been that with the advent of the
pandemic, the world followed the policy of ‘stay-at-home’ and
‘shelter-in-place’ which primarily aimed to keep us safe. But for countless
women worldwide, home didn’t turn up to be a safe zone. They suddenly found
themselves shut in with their abusers. Confinement has fostered tensions in
many homes. The jobless partners with immense stress and tension to run the
household and the escalating anxiety among them made them abuser. India is
no exception to this. With already high rates of domestic violence cases,
situations of women and the children became worse during the pandemics. A
report from the leading daily Hindu showed that in 2020, between March 25
and May 31, 1,477 complaints of domestic violence were made by women. This
68-day period recorded more complaints than those received between March
and May in the previous 10 years. Amidst this backdrop, this paper would
study the parallel existence of two pandemics, vulnerabilities faced by
women and children during this period and the measures taken up for
redressing this and how much could really be achieved.
Significance Of
Human Security In The Age Of Pandemic
Anju Gupta
Professor , JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan
The pandemic is now being compared to a war.
COVID-19 is not only a health crisis but also a human security crisis. It is
depriving freedom from want, fear and freedom to live with peace&
dignity. The pandemic demands human security approach of inclusiveness, human
protection and empowerment.
The concept of human security was introduced in
policy discussions in 1990s’. This concept is an integration of development
and security, which broadly encircles non-military nature of security
concerns. This approach were highly criticized for widening security threats
beyond war. This pandemic has marked a paradigm shift in the security
scenario. The pandemic which has taken millions of lives across the globe has
undermined our safety and security.
Not only medical solutions, measures should also address repercussions on
health, economics, politics, society and culture. On the economic front,
stock markets have nose- dived. The closures and lockdowns have badly
affected both goods and services industries. The entire world is agonized
from fear and want.
The pandemic has also affected politics, both
domestic as well as international. Some countries seek to gain from the
pandemic, which has led to competition and confrontation among nation
states. It has marred the concept of
traditional security by sending the wrong signal to those keen to develop
biological weapons. The traditional defense mechanism has failed to control
this new enemy and it is directly hitting on the three key elements of Human
Security vis-à-vis Human Development, viz. Health, Education and Income. The
virus does not know boundaries .We cannot get out of this situation all
alone. Hence, competition and confrontation will lead to nothing but lose
this war. The only option left is to cooperate to shape a globally and
regionally coordinated response.
Cyber Crimes Against
Women In India: Issues And Challenges Before Women Security And Governance
Mr. Pankaj Kumar
Assistant Professor
, Baba Farid Law College, Faridkot, Punjab
information technology has brought a great revolution in the communication
space for making world a global village and giving equal realization of
rights to women. Invention of worldwide web, computer and other electronic
devices changed women's standard of living. The open and unregulated nature
of the internet and the irrelevance of geography mean that the internet
provides fertile ground for criminal enterprise. Cyber crimes are generally
committed through Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms
resulting into blackmailing, bullying or cheating via messenger messages and
emails. The dignity, privacy and security of a woman always remain under
threat on new online platform. The author has made an attempt to highlight
the genesis of cyber crime against women in India, it's
various existing forms, strength of our legal system to combat this novel
threat effectively, role of judiciary, impact of covid-19 period and the need
to evolve some well defined mechanism to address this issue completely and
Drone Warfare And
Human Security
Soumyadeep Bidyanta,
Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi
The last couple of decades have seen a massive
proliferation in the use of armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s, also known
as Drones). Drone strikes have been a staple of America’s global war on
terror, and have been used extensively in the Middle East, North and East
Africa, and the AfPak region. In the recent few years, drones have also been
used in peer conflicts and civil wars, particularly those where proxy actors
are involved. Such a rise in the use of drones has also brought about
concerns of human security, given the possibility of civilian casualties
arising out of drone strikes and drone warfare. This paper would look into
this aspect, and examine how increasing drone proliferation has worsened
human security for the populations involved, and what can be done to contain
E-Governance In
India: Challenges Faced In Implementation
Sajad Ahmad Mir
Research Scholar, Desh
Bhagat University ,Punjab
E-governance is the utilization of information
and communication technology (ICT) by the government to offer its services to
the citizens in online mode through the internet .
E-governance in modern times is one of the most effective and efficient forms
of governance. Governments throughout the world today are using ICT tools to
provide their services to the citizens in an effective manner. Today almost
every country in the world is implementing e-governance by taking initiatives
towards the implementation of E-governance Especially by developing countries
including India. E-governance not only ensures Transparency in government
services but also has many other benefits Like Reduction in Corruption and
making the government more accountable. India is probably the fastest
developing country in the world at present. the
population of India is the second-largest in the world which accounts for
17.7% of the total population of the world .it is not an easy task to govern
a country like India for any government. E-governance is one of the best
forms of government. There is a large number of challenges in the
implementation of E-GOVERNANCE in India. This research paper Explains the
Main challenges faced by India in the implementation of E-governance.
Health And Governance
Dr Archana Anand
Associate Professor,
Government Girls College Tonk, Rajasthan
Good governance has been discussed as a new
concept for poverty alleviation and economic development by global
organizations, but this concept has been neglected in the health system.
Therefore, this study was conducted with the goal of analysing good governance
in health system. Method: This systematic review was conducted by using valid
data bases such as Medline, Scopus, Elsevier, PubMed, Ovid, CINAHEL,
ScienceDirect, Springer and Web of Science and after screening at different
stages, articles were evaluated and analysed based on inclusion criteria.
Results: Among 360 studies, 10 research were included. Three studies had
evaluated the aspects of good governance in the health system and seven cases
were discussed in the study of governance frameworks of health systems.
Conclusions: Despite the emphasis of this study, using eight dimensions of
participation, including: Rule of law, transparency, accountability,
equality, efficiency and effectiveness, responsibility and the formation of
general consensus in analysing good governance of countries, designing a
native model of good governance in the health system in different societies,
is essential.
Human Security And
Dr. Shikha Nagori
Assistant Professor
, Bhupal Nobles University, Udaipur, Rajasthan
The conception of human security represents a
departure from traditional notion of security, which concentrate on the
security of the state. Human security goes beyond state and focuses security
of Individualities anywhere in world, and its end thing is the protection of
people from traditional and unconventional pitfalls similar as poverty,
hunger, complaint, etc. Human security entered into the policy and academic
debates in the early 1990s. Human development report of UN in1994 was the
pivotal corner. Core theme of human security is that securing state isn't
same as securing individualities and military trouble is only one of the
multiple pitfalls to individualities which need collaboration of multiple
actors including countries. Covid-19 exposes the structural inequalities and
contradictions which underpin norms of security in many societies, given that
experiences of security and insecurity are shaped by gender, socio-economic
inequalities, and ethnicity.
Human Security And
Sustainable Development.
Varkha Khanchi
Assistant Professor,
Choudhary Ishwar Singh Kanya Mahavidhyalya Dhand-Dadwana, Haryana
Human security is one of the vital concept in the
contemporary world. Human security is a universal concept i.e. it is
applicable to everywhere. In the year 1994 human development report, defined
human security as people’s “Safety from chronic threats and protection from
sudden hurtful disruptions in the patterns of daily life.” Seven types of
security were listed as components of human security: economic security, food
security, health security, environmental security, personal(physical)
security, community security and political security. Sustainable governance
is governance of organization which is both lawful and which promotes a good
life for all, now and far into the future. There are laws that formate
sustainability, laws that are neutral and laws that permit unsustainable
behaviour and governance. This paper examines the relationship between human
security and sustainable governance means relationship between development,
good governance and economic security. Human security is directly linked to
development. Underdevelopment means there is no human security. The main
cause of insecurity and instability is poverty and without development there
can e no security. So development is a prerequisite for security. Sustainable
governance has a positive affect on the implementation of right to
development and access to security.
Human Security And
The Effect Of The Pandemic On Education
Sarmita Dey
Visiting Professor, Amity
University, Mumbai, Maharashtra
The Covid-19 pandemic has reaped havoc in the
world, depriving people of their means of livelihood and education and posing
challenges to the existing health care infrastructure in the world. This in
turn has resulted in deterioration of human development leading to human
insecurities due to illness and deaths in huge numbers caused by the corona
virus, unemployment and poverty, illiteracy and learning disablement. This
paper looks at the effect of the pandemic on human security in the context of
deprivation of education of children during the pandemic, which is tantamount
to deprivation of capabilities. This serious problem may be solved using the
Capability approach of Nobel laureate, Prof. Amartya Sen, whereby the
combination of individual characteristics, access to resources and the lived
environment interact to affect a person’s opportunity to be and do the things
they value, in this case, to be educated.
Human Security As A
Prerequisite To State Security In The 21St Century
Devaki Nandan
Research Scholar, Hemvati
Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand
Human security reinvigorates comprehensive
solutions to human survival and development. It extends the domain and the
various notion of security. Human security includes physical security of
individuals as well as security against emerging newly non-traditional
threats. In the strategic environment of the 21st century, every nation is
focusing on an up to the down pattern of security i.e., national security
then individual security but in reality, the security lever is down to an up
pattern of security i.e., individual security then nations security. It means
human security is the precondition to national security.
Human Security Of
The Hindu Minorities In Bangladesh Under The Last Regime Of Sheikh Hasina
(2019- Till Date)
Sukdev Das
Research Scholar, Adamas
University, Kolkata, West Bengal
As we all know Bangladesh is a democratic State,
the security and the rights of the minority communities are protected there.
Especially under the regime of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her party
Awami League, the religious minority Hindu community is considered much
secure. The main object of this study is whether the people of the minority
Hindu community in Bangladesh are really safe during Sheikh Hasina’s current
4th term or not. Some existing literature has been surveyed to prepare the
study. And data is collected through personal interviews and observations
method then it is interpreted to draw the inference. The study shows that the
condition of the Human Security of the Hindu minorities in Bangladesh under
this current regime is not secured properly. Some of the causes have been
identified and several recommendations have been pointed out in this regard.
Human Security:
Crucial Component Of India’S National Security Framework
John Thanglalsang
Research Scholar, Jawaharlal
Nehru University and Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi
The Indian
National Security framework has for decades been defined with the notions of
state security which was and is often equated with hard military power and
perceived military threats from our neighboring countries such as China and
Pakistan. However, over the years, this country has woken up to the reality
of problems and threats derived from unemployment, communal conflicts ,
ecological problems , new pandemics and the like which are sinister and
present themselves as threats to Human security and Human rights for every
Indian citizen. The violation of Human rights tantamount to the violation of
Human Security and once the security of every citizen is compromised, such
can lead to growing resentments from the public and this resentment can
transform itself into militancy, thus causing the Indian National Security
apparatus to impart the values of Human Security. This is important but how?
Identity And
Indignity: An Exploration
Neda Fatima
Research Scholar, Jawaharlal
Nehru University and Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi
This paper is about allegations on Muslims and
their institutions in India. The paper arguing that after nineties, Muslim
community has been questioned for their religious education in Madrasas and
Makatbs that they trained militant or provide training to become
anti-nationalist; imposed by several Hindu fundamentalist groups. This
situation and identical blame becomes worse for community progress, to show
clear and transparent identity after the event of 9/11. The focus of study is
to make an effort to generalize the internal truth about Muslims and their
institution. Now, it’s become spectacular for the community to improve their
identity due to socio-educational and economically backwardness and save
themselves from being alleged for any uncivil or terror action. The docility
of media to blunting any phenomena has created more hatred for Muslim
community across the nation. The paper conclusion is based upon review of
various literatures on primary data it is imperative to highlight that nor
madrasas neither their students been found in any nefarious and ambivalent
Impact Of Article-32
On Human Security
Yogesh. M. S
Assistant Professor,
Government First Grade College K.R.Sagara, Karnataka
This paper focus on Human security with Right to
Remedy in a broad range of economic, political, social and environmental
factors affecting human well-being, livelihood, dignity,survival and safety
against violence. Article 32 of the Indian Constitution gives the right to
individuals to move to the Supreme Court to seek justice when they feel that
their right has been ‘unduly deprived’.Human security can be secured through
Judicial Activism; Writs which enforces Human Rights. Article -32 affects and
protects every Human being Life and dignity by which it enhance Human
Security.The holistic vision of protecting the security of people lends
itself to a variety of interpretations shaped by relative understandings of
what constitutes a threat to the security of individuals. This paper emphasis
on Writs securing the every individuals personal rights
Impact Of Corporate
Governance Policies On The Financial Performance Of The Company
Sunil Kumar
Research Scholar, Mahatma
Gandhi Central University Motihari, Bihar
Though corporate governance is about commitment
to value proposition, normative values and business ethics towards the
operational code of conduct of an organisation. It is a set of rules and regulations,
processes, conducts and customs that affects the way a company is directed,
administrated, controlled and managed their internal as well as external
stakeholders in the realm of regulatory body. This is based on the principles
of integrity, fairness, equity, transparency, accountability and commitment
towards the organisational values and ethics to maintain the status-quo of
company goodwill. However the Harshad Mehta Scam (1992) to sathyam scam maked
the government role as a watchdog to embrace the companies under the ambit of
compliance of law. The purpose of this research paper is to accustom with the
impact of corporate governance police on the financial performance of
Interpretation Of
The Human Rights Laws In The Post-Truth World
Harikrishnan R S
Student, Pondicherry
University, Puducherry
Democracy is the major political sphere that
gives maximum freedom to its subjects. The presence of adequate rights and
duties strengthens the spirit of democracy in its vertex. Among that; human
rights are more important and more related to the citizen. Without which, the
entire rights are futile and irrelevant. The presence of these rights is
weakening the power and political control of the ruling class. But in a
political system, ignoring the laws is impossible. However, interpretation is
the major tool to challenging these laws and today’s post-truth political
realm is the favorable condition to propagate this idea. This paper tries to
analyze human rights laws from the perspective of populist political ideas.
And also tries to find out the misinterpreting cases of the human-rights laws
and how to reduce the sphere of human rights laws with the perspective of
national security. The study adopts the qualitative analysis and data
collected from both the primary and secondary data.
Issues And
Challenges Faced By Women Police In Kashmir
Shamikhah Hamid
Research Scholar , University
of Kashmir, Kashmir
Shazia Manzoor
Associate Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Women police play a very important role in every
society. They are always there for people in need. The policing job has been
traditionally associated with men so it has been dominated by men only. But
with the progress, women have entered this field even if in lesser numbers
but so far they have survived and done well in the so called male cultured
service. The women police personnel face a number of problems at their
workplaces, homes and society which are different from a normal working woman
as the nature of their job aggravate the intensity of their problems. We have
used the qualitative research approach to explore and analyze the problems
faced by women police personnel in Kashmir. The study has used interview
method for data collection and an inductive thematic analysis has been used
for the generation of the results. Two main themes have emerged from the
study. The themes along with the respective sub- themes are: 1. Personal
challenges (domestic and family responsibilities, lack of family support, role
conflict and identity, work-life balance and non-acceptance, physical and
mental health implications, and social stigma). 2. Professional challenges
(limited opportunity and inter-gender challenges, acceptance by male members,
and improper infrastructure facilities) Key Words Women police, challenges
Remedies Under
International Trade Law: A Blocked Road For Developing Countries
Sheikh Inam Ul
Research Scholar, School
of Law and Governance, Rajasthan
The study of remedies under the WTO legal system
is closely linked to the concept of state responsibility in international
law, which specifies acts that a state is required to undertake or the degree
to which a state may be held accountable for any conduct or omission that is
unlawful under treaty law or customary international law. International law’s
principles of redress complement WTO remedies to the degree that they do not
“contract out.” As a result, while looking at WTO remedies, one should begin by
looking to international law remedies, namely the well-established concept of
state liability under customary and general international law. As a result,
we’d have a better grasp on the possible remedies accessible to an aggrieved
WTO Member who has violated its responsibilities. If you violate someone’s
rights, you may seek retribution from the government by taking legal action.
Procedure and substance are two ways to think about remedies. There are two
concepts here: first, the process by which injury or violations are heard and
decided upon; and second, the outcome of that proceeding, i.e, the relief
granted to the successful claimant. General international law or the norms of
adjudication in specialised regimes may offer the procedural element of redress.
With respect to substantive aspects of remedies sought for violations, the
State may seek “termination of the illegal conduct, fulfilment of
responsibilities owed, return to pre-breach situations, compensation for
damage suffered” or “a declaration of legal right and duty.”
Terrorism And Its
Forms In The Present Scenario
Rituraj Basumatary
MPhil Research
Scholar, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Guwahati, Assam
Terrorism and its forms in the present scenario
Rituraj Basumatary MPhil Research Scholar Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Guwahati Abstract Terrorism has no universal definition. Some people say that
terrorism is a kind of violence related to politics, i.e. political violence.
Others say that terrorism means creating fear in the minds of people. Some of
the definitions by Indian scholars relates terrorism to gun culture. However
in most of the political science textbooks, terrorism has been defined as a
threat to human security. Security generally means freedom from any kinds of
threat. There are two notions of security, which are traditional security and
non-traditional security. Traditional security comes from military threats to
one country by another country. Non-Traditional security go beyond military
threats to cover a wide range of threats which are affecting the conditions
of human existence. Terrorism is rightly a non-traditional security.
Women, Food Security
And Governance
Sania Jamal
Research Scholar, Jamia
Millia Islamia, University, New Delhi
The Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) and then
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) had already set a challenge to wipe
out malnutrition and food insecurity from the world. The world witnessed a
high rate of alarming hunger and undernourished people living under extreme
poverty and vulnerable conditions. The situation has been triggered more by
the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. United Nations (UN) defines food
security as ‘availability and accessibility of sufficient nutritious food at
all times in a dignified manner’. The role of respective governments and
various food related organizations had a very crucial role towards the
achievement of full-fledged food and nutritional security. India, from time
to time, has initiated its targeted policies and programs to obtain the
necessary food security for its citizens. The governance of food security had
become more vibrant with the inclusion of women along with the implementation
of National Food Security Act 2013 in the country. The paper highlights the importance,
issues and challenges related to the food security in India with a special
reference to women’s food security.
‘New’ Threats For
Human Security: Recent Trends
Priyadarshini Goenka
Student, National
Law University, Odisha
The concept of human security has expanded our
vision of the notion of security. The impact is easily accessible in terms of
direct humanitarian costs of violent conflict wherein no one takes further
accountability of indirect social, economic, health-related, and environmental
consequences such assessment becomes much more complicated. The shift in
focus from the initial state to the individual as the core object
acknowledges the fact that intra-state conflicts including civil wars,
political violence, diseases, or poverty are otherwise considered as greater
threats to humans than inter-state wars. However, the concept has not brought
a paradigm shift in terms of international security policy. But human
security is most likely to remain within the parameters of political relevance
even after recent changes in its strategic framework. Addressing the
diversified nature of threats to human security concerns requires the
development of a more comprehensive and logically consistent understanding of
human security.
A Study Of Human
Rights Of Transgender
Dr. Priyadarshini
Assistant Professor,
Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan
Sakshi Rathi
Research Scholar, Banasthali
Vidyapith, Rajasthan
Security plays a vital element in human lives as
it provides a sense of certainty and assurance to live a peaceful and
dignified life. Just like national security is regarded as a duty of the
government to prevent and safeguard its national boundaries and its
citizenry, human security is also now given a centre of attention due to the
widespread hardship humans are being subjected to. Though, the adoption of
Universal Declaration of Human Rights set out a legal obligation on states to
ensure that humans are not denied the basic human rights inherent to all of
us. Despite such protection and legal obligations transgender is one such
marginalized community, who are still struggling to get recognized as humans.
There is no universal definition of transgender but however in general
parlance those individuals whose personal characteristics, appearance and
behavior fall outside the stereotypical gender norms are considered as
transgender. Within this context this article aims to analyze the prejudicial
treatment the transgender community in India is grappling with and how such
these deliberative and discriminatory practices instigate an attack on their
human security.
Health And
Dr. Babu Lal Devanda
HoD, Department of
Political Science, Agarwal P. G. College Jaipur Rajasthan
For better understanding the challenges in
governing healthcare providers, it is useful to extend the governance debate
beyond the service provider models to health financing and funding structures
(amongst many other aspects like pharmaceuticals, teaching, research, etc).
This aspects had been deliberately left out by Saltman and Duran, while
acknowledging their importance.Regardless of how funds are collected and
pooled, any publicly organized financing scheme faces the challenge of
“prudent purchasing,”ie, how to spend the available means in a way that
satisfies concerns around responsiveness, quality, equity and efficiency
while preserving clinical autonomy and allowing for developing innovative
forms of diagnosis and treatment. Governing fund pooling, resource
allocation, health service purchasing, together with health service provision
is an important element in achieving such critical, and, at times,
conflicting aims.There is an intense debate about how a governance model for
providers might look like.We strongly believe the prevailing logic of
neoliberalism with its promise of more efficiency and stipulating a major
role for market-oriented healthcare does not mean to leave the markets alone
but rather requires strong governance arrangements. Focussing on efficiency
and treating the patient as a customer has an important role in many standard
healthcare encounters, especially those which are non-acute and
non-life-threatening – a fact that the medical profession still struggles to
accept. It is here, where approaches like “performance-based payments” might
be put to a good use. Where appropriate (and measurable), paying for high
quality care can help in developing a culture of quality and fostering
innovation and collaboration. However, effectiveness, empathy and
professional dedication remains a non-substitutable priority in case of
emergency and acute care, assigning cost-savings a lower priority. This is
where market forces can be destructive. Appeals only to the rational
“economic man” within the clinician and fostering self-interest by paying
bonuses for achieving targets might actually damage the motivational fabric
of those providing care and finding reward from being intrinsically
motivated.If I pay a doctor for immunizing children but not for counselling
the mothers, I will affect the way this doctor is allocating his time,
disconcerting health outcomes.
Academic Stress,
Emotional Intelligence And Mental Health In Relation To Scholastic
Achievements Among Medical & Engineering Students And Governmental
Basit Javeed Qureshi
Research Scholar, University
of Kashmir, Kashmir
In today’s
highly competitive world, medical and engineering students face various
academic problems including exam stress, disinterest in attending classes and
inability to understand the subject. Academic stress has been identified as a
detrimental issue across various countries culture and ethnic groups. The
increase in stress has given rise to various mental health concerns where
these students report increased anxiety, depression and even suicidal
ideations. Certain levels of academic stress is known to push students
towards performing well; commonly known as eustress, if it is not managed
well and exceeds the optimum level it can have direct consequences for the
students as well as the institution. At medical and engineering colleges
there is a range of academic pressure feel, derived from a need for
perfection, worry over grades, parental pressure, competition and a tough
class load. The academic stress will directly have impact on the scholastic
achievement of aforementioned students. There is a strong relationship
between the emotional intelligence with anxiety and the stress. There should
be strong discussion on what happens to the emotional intelligence when there
is increase in academic stress among professional students. The situation
caused by academic stress and its impact on medical and engineering students
is alarming and it is high time to streamline the governmental policies and
strategies regarding them.
Addressing The
Impact Of Climate Change On Human Security
Nirupama A. K.
Research Scholar, University
of Kerala, Kerala
The most
challenging threats like climate change have impacted the livelihoods of
millions of people across the globe. Climate change is a “threat multiplier”
and essentially a human and national security risk. The complex causes and
consequences of climate change require comprehensive, integrated strategies
that identify entry points for collaborative action to mitigate its impacts
on people. Governments along with civil society organisations have attained
massive responsibilities in this situation. By placing people at the centre,
the human security approach encourages broad participation that provides
detailed insights into the varying challenges faced by different groups
within communities and regions. The human security framework helps
international, national and local actors to better coordinate responses to
climate change. This paper will focus on the aspects related to governance
mechanisms and climate change in the human security context in general and
also specifically on India.
Apprehending The
Plight Of Women During The Conflicts- A Study Of Khushwant Singh'S 'Delhi- A
Nancy Paul
Assistant Professor,
CT University Ludhiana, Punjab
Priyanka Marwaha
Research Scholar, CT
University Ludhiana, Punjab
Conflicts and wars ruin lives, families,
livelihoods, and the economy, but most importantly, it threatens gender
security. It disproportionately affects young girls and women making them
more susceptible to all kinds of violence and exploitation. This paper
critically analyses men's debasing and lascivious attention towards young
girls and women during the war and how they have been reduced to mere sexual
objects in Khushwant Singh's Delhi A Novel. The chosen novel is Singh's
fourth work- an extensively irreverent magnum opus on Delhi's becoming and
unbecoming over the centuries. After a thorough reading of the selected text,
relevant quotations and passages have been cited as textual evidence. the research findings indicate that the text understudy
affirms that men have brutally assaulted and suppressed female characters in
the novel time and again to establish their masculine powers.
Beekeeping - Its
Bearing On Human Security, Eliminating Poverty In The Path Of Sdgs In North
East Region, India
Dr Sukamal Deb
Dy Chief Executive
Officer, North East Region In-charge, Khadi and Village Industries
Commission, Ministry of Micro Small Medium Enterprises, Government of India
Efforts to alleviate of poverty, keeping ethos of
sustainable development goals (SDGs) have bearing towards Human Security.
Beekeeping is an activity that can address couple of SDGs. It includes
eliminating poverty, organizing climate action. We study the impact of
beekeeping programme of KVIC in North East Region(NER),
India based on primary and secondary data. It can go long way in augmenting
income and is gaining popularity worldwide. Honey Bees are nature’s most
industrious and fascinating creature. Rapid deforestation is a threat to
them. Beekeeping is an industry with so many benefits, it increases the
yields of crops and helps in maintenance of ecological balance. Assuming
Sustainable Development path it supplements organic farming. It reduces poverty,
hunger and helps reducing gender inequality. Beekeeping encourages ecological
awareness and maintenance of biodiversity. It has special relevance for NER.
Border Studies:
Human Security Perspective Of Indo-Nepal Borderlands
Shailen Verma
Assistant Professor,
Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Uttar Pradesh
Most of
the nation-states are authoritarian-developmental in nature. These states are
heavily contested in borderlands spaces on the issue of nationality,
securitization, and citizen-state control. Therefore, in the post-globalized
period, borders redefined the national interests, relationship with
neighbors, and raised questions about mobilities and security in the region.
In this context, the present study highlights some of these processes and
interactions taking place at the periphery of the state. The idea of a
‘border zone’ or ‘borderlands’ is not monitored by arms, military-police
power, though, a support zone constrained by a few monitoring operators. The
occupation of territory is fundamental to state sovereignty and nationality.
But exclusive command over territory also implies the unwillingness to share
it with ‘others’. The state creates its markers within which its ‘self’
disengages from the ‘alien’. Patterns of borderland divided into two general
categories; 1. National Borderland (Alienation) 2. Transnational Borderland
(Co-existence) At certain historical junctures, these markers are called
‘frontiers’, ‘boundaries’, and ‘borders’ (Samaddar, 2008). This study finds
shape in totality by combining all elements and identified as ‘Model of
Borderland Milieu’ (Martinez, 1994).
Challenges Of
Women’s Security During Covid Scenario In Rural Areas Of Kamrup District,
Chinmoyee Borpujari
Assistant Professor,
Mariani College, Assam
In the current scenario, the global pandemic has
led to many challenges in socio economic sector of the society. COVID-19 has
not left any part of the world untouched and India is one of the worst
affected countries in the world. It is well-documented that during a natural
disaster or a pandemic, domestic violence against women is already widespread
and under-reported in India. Now, at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the
United Nations recognises domestic violence against women as a “shadow
pandemic”. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a huge spike in domestic
violence against women in many countries worldwide and India is not an
exception to it. The National Commission for Women has reported a large
increase in distress calls from victims of domestic violence since the
pandemic broke out. The present study is an attempt to study the problems
relating to the violence and threat to security faced by women population of
the rural areas of Kamrup district, Assam during the COVID-19 pandemic scenario
and to explore necessary steps toward mitigation of this challenges.
Child Security
Threats: Recent Trends
Dr. Seema Ojha
Assistant Professor,
Govt. Maharani Sudarshana Girls College, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Dr. Shraddha
Assistant Professor,
Govt. Maharani Sudarshana Girls College, Bikaner, Rajasthan
With the fast paced development of everything
around us, the children today are being exposed to much more than what they
were before. Be it social media, early childhood development, premature brain
development, it is believed that due to this fast paced development, they are
facing issues every day. While the children of the well off families face the
issues of cyber bullying leading them to feeling insecure, isolation from
their parents and being too involved with social media, the children of the
poor families are worse off. Along with these issues, they also face the
problems because of the lack of a proper medium of education, poverty leading
to malnutrition and under development, lack of money leading them to turn to
the world of crime and underworld. Also, the lack of support from families
has been seen as the major issue that leads to a feeling of insecurity and
disorientation in the minds of children of both the genders. Discrimination and
harmful practices against the girl child vary depending upon cultural
context. For instance, intentional abortion of female fetuses and female
infanticide are common practices in East and South Asian countries where sons
are strongly preferred. India and China have a significant sex-ratio
imbalance in their populations as a result of these practices, according to
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA, 2005). In India such practices are
reinforced by the perception that daughters are an economic burden on the
family. They do not significantly contribute to the family income and large
dowries may be expected by in-laws when the girl marries. In China, sex
selectivity and abandonment of infant girls have increased dramatically since
the enactment of the one-child policy in 1989. Prenatal sex selection is more
common where modern medical technology is readily accessible and open to
misuse. According to the UNFPA 2004 report, sex-selective abortion and female
infanticide have resulted in at least 60 million “missing” girls in Asia. The
shortage of females in some Asian countries has led to other problems, such
as increased trafficking in women for marriage and sex work. Despite
government programs and efforts to end such practices with education,
financial incentives and threat of punishment, sex-selective abortion and
female infanticide continue.
Participation Through Ecotourism: Assessing State And Non-State Governance In
The Umswai Valley Of Assam
Koumudi Mahanta
Research Scholar, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi
Ecotourism has emerged as a prominent word in the
twenty-first century that seeks to bring together local communities,
sustainable practices and awareness for the conservation of nature. In the
past few years, the northeastern states of India in general and Assam in
particular has seen both the state and non-state actors taking initiatives in
a myriad of ways to facilitate tourism as well as empower local populations
in the region. Scholars like Sanjiv Baruah, V. K. Kumar and others have noted
how there exists a new form of governance entailing these initiatives.
Situating itself within these debates, the present paper would try to
understand the ongoing process of building the Umswai Valley in Assam as an
upcoming ecotourism destination. It adopts a critical look at tourism and
community participation to explore how they are tied to larger issues of
rights, human security, social justice, to name a few.
Corporate Governance
& “Saam-Daam-Dand-Bhed” Policy Of Kautilya
Sandeip Khakase
Visiting Faculty, Amity
Institute of Liberal Arts, Mumbai, Maharashtra
‘Ex fida bona’, Corporate Governance, a buzzword
of 21st Century, mainly revolves around the application of ethical practices
for protecting the interests of all stakeholders. The concept, though emerged
in the west, has spread across the globe in the last three decades, and India
is not an exception. India, a country of sages, has not only contributed to
humanities and philosophies, but also to administration and management; ‘Kautilya’,
also known as ‘Chanakya’ or ‘Vishnugupta’ has been claimed to be ‘Management
Guru’ for proposing administrative principle (‘Niti’) in his treatise
“Arthashastra”. Inter alia, “Saam Daam Danda Bhed” principle of Kautilya
which means “conciliation-gifts-punishment-divide and rule” has been credited
for its applicability and contemporary relevance. With this literature review
based paper coupled with empirical research, a humble attempt is made to
understand one of the pivotal principles of Kautilya, “Saam Daam Dand Bhed”
in respect to Corporate Governance. “Saam Daam Danda Bhed” principle, does it
lack moral or ethical aspects?, could be
incorporated in the business? and whether such
practices will be accepted under corporate governance principles? These
questions are tried to be answered.
Security-Governance Nexus : Does Human Development
Sneha Singh
Assistant Professor,
St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, West Bengal
Sovik Mukherjee
Assistant Professor,
St. Xavier's University, Kolkata, West Bengal
Without the effective presence of good governance
mechanisms, people can’t fully participate i.e. human security gets
compromised, and unless people and communities are empowered to let their
voices be heard or to participate in decision-making, good governance is not
possible and hence there is a possibility that corruption might go unabated –
the trivariate nexus. The main objective of the paper is to relate this
trivariate nexus with the level of human development for a mix of 100
developed-developing and under-developed countries. In this backdrop, based
on a panel data set-up between 2010-2020 for this cross-country mix, the
paper identifies that corruption (measured by Corruption Perceptions Index),
human security (measured by Human Security Index) and governance (measured by
Worldwide Governance Indicators) have significant effect on human development
(measured by inequality adjusted HDI) and the direction of the causality runs
from the focus variables to human development.
Covid-19 Pandemic
And Governance: Issues And Challenges In India
Arshad Bhat
Research Associate. Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and
Technology of Kashmir, Kashmir
This study assessed implications of the
Coronavirus pandemic on key parameters of Indian Economy by using the data
set of STATISTA. Results show that the economy experienced several shocks and
setbacks due to the COVID-19 crisis. Food security and dietary quality
worsened, as measured by the food insecurity experience scale and the frequency
of consumption of nutritionally-rich foods. The income of the people has
deteriorated by several percentage points, the unemployment has crossed the
7.5 benchmark, the exports have decreased, inflation has crossed the limits,
production had decreased, GDP has worsened than ever in the country, and
health infrastructure has exposed the tall claims of the government. The
study reveals that the income-poor households and those dependent on labour
income were more vulnerable to income shock, and had poorer food consumption
during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to other respondent categories. As
such, they were more likely to employ food-based coping strategies compared
to those pursuing alternative livelihoods, who generally relied on savings.
Farmers were less likely to experience worsened food security compared to
other respondent categories who depended to a great extent on market sources
for food. The study suggest that ongoing and future government responses
should focus on structural changes in social security by developing
responsive packages to cushion members pushed into poverty by such pandemics
while building strong financial institutions to support the recovery of
businesses in the medium term
Covid-19 Pandemic
And It’S Impact On Migrant Workers’ Livelihood: An Observation On India
Manas Kumar Behera
Research Scholar, Jawaharlal
Nehru University, New Delhi
The worldwide spread of the novel coronavirus
associated with an acute respiratory disease called COVID-19 was first
reported from Wuhan in China in December 2019. The COVID-19 transmission has
been spared rapidly, that attributed to unprecedented migration and creation
of a catastrophic situation. Within a span of time, most of the countries
came under the COVID-19 contamination. It not only affected the health
condition but also severely impacted the State’s economy, trade, travel,
transport, education, and infrastructure development. In order to prevent the
spread of Coronavirus, the Govt of India had used lockdown as a preventive
measure. Though the imposition of lockdown has positively given the success
to maintain social distance and mass gathering, at the same time, it has
brought a negative impact on the socio-economic livelihoods of migrant
workers. Being daily wage workers, they have depended on daily paid work,
which was stopped during the lockdown period. Due to the lack of income
sources and travel restrictions, they have faced a lot of difficulties in
terms of food insecurity, economic stress, lack of health care, and price
rising has affected the migrant workers basic amenities. This paper is
intended to study the impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic life of the
migrant worker and evaluate the pro-active role of Govt to mitigate these
issues. This study has tried to explore the problems critically in the
efforts of Govt to tackle the crisis.
Cyber Security
Awareness Of Students Pursuing Higher Education: A Case Study Survey Of New
Alipore College
Dr Amartya Saha
Assistant Professor,
New Alipore College, Kolkata, West Bengal
pandemic forced an unforeseen lockdown in different places across the world.
In India, the lockdown extended in phases as the situation unfolded with its
own complexities. Higher Educational Institutions across India and the world
shifted to an online pedagogy. The challenges were unique in India. There was
first a necessity of access, for the students and teachers to be online from
home. There was also an urgent need to adopt to an online teaching-learning
process. The education system in Higher Education Institutions across the
world deal with sensitive data about students, their results, curriculum, and
a safe and secure environment is essential for the smooth functioning of
online education. The students are one of the most important stakeholders of
the Higher Educational Institutes. This calls for a need to assess the
awareness of cyber security among students pursing Higher Education in these
institutes. Without developing a sense of cyber security hygiene, the
students would be left vulnerable to the security threats. Case study survey
research has been conducted in an undergraduate college in Kolkata, New
Alipore College. 556 students from the college took the survey. The research
paper focuses on finding out whether the students have basic cybersecurity
awareness. It tries to find out if the students take active steps to protect
themselves online. It also tries to understand if the students verify
information that they receive online. The findings of this study will help us
understand the cybersecurity challenges in Higher Educational Institutions in
India from the student’s perspective.
Data Driven
Policy-Making And Digital Governance For Enhancing Human Security In India
Dr. Gyana Ranjan
Assistant Professor,
Central University of Rajasthan, Rajasthan
Since 2014, there is noticeably change in the way
public service delivery and programmatic interventions have been conducted in
India. The guiding mantra of “minimum governance and maximum governance”
under Modi Government have brought the data-driven policy making into focus
which have limited the administrative discretions, political paternalism and
corruptions as regards to public service delivery to beneficiaries. India has
always confronted with the multi-dimensional challenges of human security and
governance failures as regards to citizen ability to reduce poverty,
effective utilisation of public provisioning, and unleashing capabilities as
regards to livelihood opportunities. The lack of adequate data and evidences
have had huge role in precipitating such challenges. In the ages of big data
and rapid digitalisation of Indian society, the policy making discourses have
been reinvigorated towards primacy of data driven policy-making and
governances. The Economic Survey (2018-19) in the Chapter Four articulated
the applicability of big-data in big way from citizen perspectives by
paraphrasing the title as the “Data of the People, by the People and for the
People”. It is a welcome embrace of data-driven policymaking and development
process in enhancing human security Indian economy. The data deluge generated
at the unprecedented scale both at the national and international level
underlines the need for treating data as the “public good” (Economic Survey:
81). The use of big-data as core policy tool intends to help in the effective
programme implementation and bringing the service delivery at citizens and
beneficiary doorsteps. The paper, while recognizing need for the overwhelming
data uses, attempts to demystify the concept of big-data, establishes the
interlinkages with public policy and digital governance in India while
addressing human security and governance issues in the country.
Deterring The ‘Boat
People’: The Domestic And Regional Dimensions Of Australia’S Policy Towards
Asylum Seekers
Biplab Debnath
Assistant Professor,
Tripura University, Tripura
Uncontrollable movement of people resulting from
conflicts, political oppression or economic hardships is one of the most
pressing challenges plaguing the international community today. Consequently,
nation-states’ response to such challenges followed from a redefinition of
insecurity from a state-centric to a non-state centric one. This has been the
case with Australia, as there has been a reconceptualisation of source of
insecurity from nations to people, with asylum seekers, or what is referred
to as the 'boat people, dominating the country’s discourse on protecting its
borders. For Australia, such conceptions also have a strong historical
continuity of deep-rooted anxieties from the fear of the foreigners as
evident from exclusionary policies of ‘White Australia’ to recent assertions
of the nation’s exclusive sovereignty over the refugee intake. In this
regard, the paper will examine Australia’s response to asylum seekers from
the domestic and regional levels. The paper seeks to place Australia’s deterrence
policy and its domestic politicisation of the “asylum seeker” in the context
of human rights conventions and the notion of ‘good international
Economic Tools
Derived From Plants To Face Bioterrorism
Arti Ghabru
Assistant Professor,
College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
Whether naturally occurring or man-made,
biological threats pose an unadorned risk in world. Biological warfare agents
may be more compelling than conventional and chemical weapons. During the
past era, the progress made in biotechnology and biochemistry has simplified
the development and production of such weapons. Plant biosystems are easy to
scale up and inexpensive, and they do not require refrigeration or a
sophisticated medical infrastructure. Regarding the context, the
implementation of plant-made biopharmaceuticals in the developing world is an
unescapable event. At the same time, it is fundamental to invest in technical
platforms able to cut down the time to tailor the eventual vaccine candidate
to be effective to the epidemic. Plant Molecular Farming and improved genetic
vaccines capable of plant sequences with immune-modulating activity,
represent two promising approaches for the rapid and affordable production of
countermeasures against emerging and bioterrorism-related infections.
Education And
E-Governance:A Sustematic Literature Review
Dr.Ruchi Jain
Associate Professor,
IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur, Rajasthan
Governance is the utilizing of economical,political and managerial expert in all level of a
country's management. It incorporates the components, cycles and
organizations through which residents intercede their disparities, articulate
their interests and exercise their freedoms and commitment. Simultaneously,
today PC(personal computer) helped correspondence is
assimilated by the institutions for both conventional as well as distant
education and it is dispersed from one side of the planet to the other. Hence
in this research paper two significant issues education and e-governance are
talked about and an attempt has been made to undertake a detailed study of
several research papers published during the past several years on e-
governance and education. The examination adopts a systematic approach to
review the published research papers and review has been performed on the
basis of several factors such as year of publication,journal
where paper is published and conclusions drawn. This literature analysis
helps to recognize the important research space in the selected field.
Educational Service
Delivery: Role Of Common Service Centres ( Cscs) In Changing Rural Society In
To A Digitally Empower Society
Dr Sunita Chaudhary
Post Doctoral Fellow
(ICSSR), University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Educational Service Delivery :
Role of Common Service Centres (CSCs) in Changing Rural Society in to a
Digitally Empower Society Dr. Sunita Choudhary Post Doctoral Fellow (ICSSR)
Department of Political Science University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Email: ms.sunita.choudhary02@gmail.com
Mobile : 9828267854 India has the world's largest population in the age group
of 5 to 24 years. It has more than fifty crore people in the age group of 25
to 59 years, which constitutes the working population and is expected to continuously
increase even as the world's working population ages and diminishes. The
phenomenon will make India a supplies of workforce to the entire world. In
the wake of this reality, the Indian education system should therefore be
able to produce a workforce which is glob ally competitive and thus reap its
demographic dividend. The common service centres (CSCs) can play a major role
in enhancing the spread of education and producing an employable workforce in
India. The focus of this paper is on the use of CSCs in educational service
delivery in Rural Areas.
E-Governance And
Education : A Systematic Literature Review
Jyoti Jain
Research Scholar, IIS(Deemed
to be University), Jaipur, Rajasthan
is the utilizing of economical, political and managerial expert in all level
of a country's management. It incorporates the components, cycles and
organizations through which residents intercede their disparities, articulate
their interests and exercise their freedoms and commitment. Simultaneously,
today PC(personal computer) helped correspondence is
assimilated by the institutions for both conventional as well as distant
education and it is dispersed from one side of the planet to the other. Hence
in this research paper two significant issues education and e-governance are
talked about and an attempt has been made to undertake a detailed study of
several research papers published during the past several years on e-
governance and education. The examination adopts a systematic approach to
review the published research papers and review has been performed on the
basis of several factors such as year of publication,journal
where paper is published and so on.This literature analysis helps to
recognize the important research space in the selected field.
Transgender People In Post-Independent Odisha: A Study On Policy Perspective
Subhasandhya Sahoo
Research Scholar, Gangadhar
Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha
The globalized world has been marked with high
development in every aspect; still, some sections remain in invisible form.
In the developmental and egalitarian society, the question is always raised
whether every section in the society get respectful life or not? Transgender
people are one of the discriminated sections which are continuously
struggling for their existence. There is a need to realize their inherent
capability and provide the scope to develop their skill. The government has
taken various progressive policies but has failed to change the outlook and
attitude towards transgender people. So, as long as social identity and
recognition are not practised in reality in transgender's life, the legal
recognition and welfare policies become meaningless. In this paper, the
researcher has focused on various social security policies taken by the
Odisha government in the post-independent era to empower transgender people.
The study tried to put Iris Marion young's social justice framework and
Amartya Sen's capability approach to understand the empowerment of
transgender people and adopted an opportunity and scope-based model instead
of only focusing on the right based approach. This paper also critically
analyses the efforts taken by the Odisha government, the problem behind the
existence of social security policies, and the other initiatives required to
empower the transgender people in Odisha. In this paper, the researcher
intends to achieve a fair, equal and prosperous society by providing equal
voice and participation opportunities. So, inclusive policies and programs
can ensure dignity, liberty, equality and freedom for transgender people.
Environmental Peacebuilding In Tibet, Northeast India And Bangladesh
Vani Bhardwaj
Postgraduate Student,
Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
The paper delineates the simultaneous
construction of nature and that of British colonial governance in the
Northeast, being its frontier. Concomitantly, the developmental strategy of
postcolonial Indian state marginalizes the various crosscutting gendered
identities in the region, leading to emergence of post-development narratives
at the grassroots. Environmental conflicts being one of the exacerbating
drivers of conflict, ethnic-gendered identities need to be the analytical
lenses in environmental peacebuilding across transnational region of Tibetan
Plateau, Northeast India and Bangladesh, in specific light of the looming
water conflicts in the transnational geopolitical space. In this template, through
the lens of Women Environment Development (WED) and post-development, the
paper concludes that the subaltern feminism of indigenous women remains
marginalized as the primary modality in climate resilient peacebuilding and
conflict mitigation measures in policy circles and needs to be advanced
further. The paper concludes with methods and strategies to induce
sustainable peace and conflict resolution.
Degradation Endangering Human Security: The South Asian Context
Dr Alka R Gupta
Associate Professor,
Udai Pratap College, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Environmental Degradation Endangering Human
Security: The South Asian Context Dr Alka R Gupta Associate Professor and
Head Department of Political Science Udai Pratap College, Varanasi. Email:
arg55555@gmail.com Security is the primary drive behind the creation of
state. Although the varieties of threats (external and internal) determine
the security and insecurity of the nations but the view of their security is
generally colored by their perception of threats and effectiveness. Military
security threatens the state while human security threatens the survival and
well being of each and every individual directly and indirectly both.
Environmental Degradation is one of the biggest issues facing the world today
that no nation can resolve alone survival of the human race at stake. The
South Asian region’s volatile geological situation and high degree of mutual
distrust and the potential for environmental degradation make it very much
prone to various kinds of South Asia is extremely vulnerable to natural
disasters, and a significant portion is exposed to more than one type of
hazard. The nature is a common treasure of humanity and be consumed according
to the spirit of sharing and caring and enough ought to be left for future
generation while not forgetting nothing is beyond human Endeavour. There is
an urgent need to make an all round comprehensive effort to immediately check
environmental degradation ensuring the safety and wellbeing of mankind.
Gender Inclusion
:Shift In Designing Policy
Suman Maurya
Assistant Professor,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Gender has a wide range of primary expressions.
Gender studies is a broad interdisciplinary project different behavior
associated with men and women betray the ideological underpinning of
socialization into culturally specific understandings of family femininity
and masculinity. Feminist Epistemology has been defined that vary from
women's way of knowing or women knowledge to a more gender inclusive feminist
knowledge to a more disciplinary a specific policy and gender have a
contested relationship in western democracies. Declared goal is gender blind policy and
gender neutrality is embraced as a means to that end. A conventional and
functional understanding of the policy process is that it involves well
considered legislative and legal responses to social problem and social
needs. The domain is public decision-making to regulate public activities
citizens private lives are considered to be their own. gender
becomes something to be bracketed off in designing policy. Re-visioning
gender is the key shift from conceptualizing gender as an individual trait to
focusing on gender as a principle of social organization. Neutrality means
equal treatment of these two groups gender mainstreaming or gender sidelining
is a shift in approach to institutional change. Gendering Democracy is a way
of actualizing the principle of equality, solidarity justice and fairness
which are part of union ideology.
Gender Security In
Domestic Sphere: Issue & Challenges
Shreya Sharma
Research Scholar, University
Of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
United Nation Security Council 1325 on 31 October
2000 recalled commitments of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action as
well as outcome document of twenty third session of United Nations General
Assembly titled “Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for
twenty first century”. It reaffirmed important role of women at decision
making level in prevention of conflict and peace building and participation
of women in maintenance and promotion of peace and security. It needs to be
underlined that UN Security Council consolidates data on impact of armed
conflict on women and children including refugees and internally displaced
persons. In Indian perspective, after two decades United Nation adopted
landmark women, peace and security (WPS) agenda, India along with other
countries are yet to develop WPS women action plan. Even after two decades,
India is far from adopting national action plan. It can be argued that the
absence of National Action Plan in this context within India likely happened
because of its long-standing concerns about international community violating
its sovereignty. The paper addresses such issues within the broader context
of gender, security and governance.
Good Governance
Through Skill Development And Its Success Rate With Respect To Employment And
Income Generation
Boby Narayan
Research Scholar, Rabindra
Nath Tagore University, Madhya Pradesh
Pay is cash procured by an individual or a
business in return for work, the arrangement of an item or administration, or
the speculation of capital. An annuity, an administration installment, or a
gift can all add to an individual's pay. In any event, when the economy is
progressing admirably, unemployment is an issue that continually comes.
Unemployment keeps the economy from arriving at its full result potential.
Work will ascend because of the inundation of new organizations and expanded
open positions. Individuals will have more pay to spend. India's expertise
advancement programs across five states, acquiring new abilities can raise
pay by 21% and preparing programs support work rates for ladies more than
guys, regardless of ladies procuring 20% not exactly their male partners.
Monetary development, pay dispersion, and conveyance changes all influence
neediness lightening. Both development and pay dispersion can be affected by
administration. The predominant market-upgrading administration worldview
intends to further develop market effectiveness through 'great
administration' changes, apparently to animate or support development.
Spreading your revenue streams is an incredible way to deal with get more
cash-flow while bringing down your danger. There are an assortment of ways of
bringing in cash contingent upon your range of abilities and the schedule you
can work. We can say that the nature of work for gifted specialists has
additionally improved, with a significant number of them getting position
contracts, admittance to a benefits plan, and an ordinary 8-hour work day.
The MGNREGA has started a great cycle for the strengthening of the poor by
reacting to individuals' fights about destitution by acquainting a right-based
methodology with neediness lightening as arrangement of rustic work ensure
under India's established design
Good Governance:
Protection Of Child Rights
Sanagavarapu Tejasri
Research Scholar, Koneru
Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Deemed to be University, Andhra Pradesh
Children are the future custodians of
sovereignty, rule of law, - justice, liberty, equality, fraternity and
finally international peace and security. They are the potential embodiment
of our ideals, aspirations, ambitions, future hopes. On a position where
children were treated as non-entity and where conscientious efforts have been
made to not only make them free from exploitation and abuses but also enable
them to develop their full potentiality with fair access to food, health,
education and respect. The UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the
Rights of the Child which is the first international treaty that defines the
basic rights of the children. A Safe Childhood is a human right. They are
recruited into armed forces. They are subjected to the death penalty, are
disappeared, are punished by cruel and inhuman methods and suffer many other
forms of violence. The aim of this study is to critically evaluate how
effectively the child rights violation can be prevented and to provide the
needed directions to the parents and Government about their responsibilities
to guarantee the rights of the child and also to reduce the vulnerability of
children in harmful situations.
Green Technology And
Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends Of Electric Cars.
Nutan Marian Tigga
Assistant Professor,
Jadavpur University, West Bengal
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
emissions, which cause global warming, have become a major worldwide concern
with ten global ‘mega’ challenges that are currently impacting the planet in
particular climate change, water, energy, and material resource scarcity.
Increase in urbanization rate will continue to increase its need for natural
resources, building materials, power and electricity, water. In the present
scenario, green technologies are playing significant role in changing the
course of nation’s economic growth towards sustainability and providing an
alternative socio-economic model that will enable present and future
generations to live in a clean and healthy environment, in harmony with
nature. Green technology, which is also known as clean technology, refers to
the development and extension of processes, practices, and applications that
improve or replace the existing technologies facilitating society to meet
their own needs while substantially decreasing the impact of human on the
planet, and reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. This
paper will focus on the electric cars and how their conception in reality is
changing the course of fuel emission, saving energy, its impact on
environment and sustainable development.
Half-Widows In
Kashmir: The Victims Of Conflict & Society
Dr. Anjum Ara Shamim
Assistant Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Imran Ahmad Khan
Research Scholar, University
of Kashmir, Kashmir
The armed conflict in Jammu & Kashmir has
given rise to a category of women called as 'Half-widows'. These are women
whose husbands have gone missing in the on-going armed conflict of over
thirty years now, in the region. This paper presents a picture of economic,
legal, social and psychological implications of half-widowhood in the
cultural context of the region. It focuses on their experience of loss, ostracism
and stigma faced by them, and their struggle for survival and justice.
Health Care System
In India
N. Rojarani
Research Scholar, Andhra
University, Andhra Pradesh
Matam Siva Linga
Research Scholar, Andhra
University, Andhra Pradesh
According to our Indian constitution right to
health is the basic fundamental right it will distributes to everyone equally
there is no discrimination under the constitution. The constitution
recognized that the health of all people is fundamental to the attainment of
peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest cooperation of
individuals and states. But after the Covid-19 pandemic the scenario changed.
We can divide two things here before Covid -19 and after the covid-19, After
Covid-19 general public is giving priority to money instead of giving
responsibility towards the other, in this case Covid -19 is not just a public
crisis but also a humanitarian crisis. Based on this I am going to
concentrate on few of the issues which is relating to the health and
governance. what is the health care system we adopted, how efficiently it’s
working and how effectively we are implementing the health care polices and
measures, what constitute good health, how it is delivered and by whom, how
much we are spending the amount only for health care sector. These are issues
we are going to deal in my main paper. While implementing the health care as
a proper manner we need to adopt few important things one responsibility, 2nd
resilient and fair.
Human Security &
Good Governance
Dr. Pratima Bhardwaj
Assistant Professor, Political Science, L.B.S. PG
College Jaipur
After more than 50 years of independence, India’s
achievements in regard to life expectancy, literacy, health, and poverty
alleviation compares unfavourably with many other developing countries. This
paper analyses the processes of deregulation, liberalization, and new
economic reforms undertaken in India as a response to the World Bank
prescription of globalization and competitiveness since 1991. The paper also
examines the impact of these policies on the problems of governance and
administrative reforms, and to what extent the emerging system of governance
and economic reforms has been successful in alleviating poverty, reducing
unemployment, and providing welfare activities - the necessary ingredients
towards promoting human security. Finally, some policy strategies are
suggested for adoption in India to meet the challenges of governance and to
promote human security in the context of globalisation and liberalisation of
the economy.
Human Security And
Contributions Of Indian Space Programme
Baruna Kumar Behera
Assistant Professor,
Khallikote Unitary University, Berhampur, Odisha
Human security stands for freedom from fear and
freedom from want. The concept of human security encompasses traditional as
well as new versions of security. Freedom from fear denotes physical security
of a state while freedom from want stands for fulfillment of minimum economic
necessity. The idea of human security came to the forefront in 1990s after
the end of cold war; however it can be observed that Indian Space Research
Organisation has been dedicated to this philosophy since its inception. Human
security is nothing but a smart version of security encompassing both defence
and development dimensions of security. Space programme of India has been
capable to serve defence and development needs of India, thereby contributing
to the ability of India in ensuring human security of its citizens. This
paper seeks to analyze development and defence capability of space programme
of India, which has created a unique position for India in the comity of
Human Security And
Gender; Commonalities And Contradictions
Mohd Rafiq Noveroz
Research Scholar, Department
of Political Science, University of Kashmir, Kashmir
The traditional model of National Security has
neglected the threats that have emerged from the different socio-economic and
political sources within the traditional state-system that women encounter
daily in their lives .Human security approach questions the exclusive
conceptualization of military security perpetuated by the dominant realist
theory of international relations. Feminists have embraced the human security
approach for the challenges it poses to the traditional State security model
but they argue that it has not comprehensively addressed women's issues.This
paper looks at the Commonalities and differences that human security
theorists and feminists have on the issue of gender and will see if their
differences can be reconciled for better policy recommendations.
Human Security And
Governance An Analysis
Dr Megha Kumari
Assistant Professor,
Sahibganj College Sabibganj, Jharkhand
Human security has been a very broad and
debatable topic. Although its universal study was
strengthened by the Human Development Report of 1994. The main contribution
of which is believed to be Pakistani economist Mehboob-ul-Haq and Indian
economist Amartya Sen. The purpose of the present research paper is to
analyze the various dimensions of human security such as social security,
economic security, health security, environmental security, group security,
political security and to analyze the reasons for the absence of security in
the context of government and government policies. Through which it will be
possible to shed light on the possible challenges before human security and
important suggestions that can be proposed to ensure human security. The
basis of the study of the present research paper will be the source and the
research method will be descriptive and empirical.
Human Security And
International Organizations
Manju Thakur
Assistant Professor,
Rana Pratap P.G college Sultanpur
International organizations play an important
role to secure human security. Today due to global,warming terrorism, natural
calamities,humanity have to suffer a lot.Internataional organization play
whital role to save human being form these assaults.Somalia, siycalon, Angola
easter Timor, Nir Caryna, Rawanda etc.In these countries for the
establishment of peace and human security cannot has performed so much to
mutual misunderstanding conflicts and competition between different nations
of the world human security became much necessary as to reduce these
differences and make sure to secure human security International organization
and organ of U.N.O play an important role.To promote positive environment
throughout the world enhancing peaceful conference and meeting of various
nations organised by international definitely Organisation promote Human
Human Security And
Religion- A Case Of Kashmiri Pandits
Dr. Sunita Bhola
& Noopur Jha
Assistant Professor,
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Uttarakhand
While the entire Country apprehends the
implication of Citizenship amendment Act, special interest groups protest
against it citing reasons of exclusion and religious intolerance. However,
the same special interest group resorts to an unjustified silence when the
subject of dislocated Kashmiri Pandits comes up. This can rightly be called
the worst case of religious intolerance and exclusion. The evacuation of
Kashmiri Pandits is a tragic blow of profanity. For over three decades now,
the community of Kashmiri Pandits have tried to forget the horrific treatment
meted to them and their predecessors. Settled in different parts of the
Country, they are still struggling to reconcile with the circumstance that
made them completely evacuate their own land, their home. It all started with
a much-orchestrated propaganda of special interest groups with alleged
support from the erstwhile State Government, who without any fault of their
own, ended up responsible for uprooting their inhabitants. This paper will
attempt to look into the reasons for exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits- taking
into account important individual narratives of victims and the literature
associated with this subject. A sharp contrast shall be drawn between the
then reaction and current reaction of religious minorities who so profusely
reject current Government in the name of religious intolerance.
Human Security And
Dr. Archana Singh
Assistant Professor,
Maharaj Balwant Singh P.G. College, Gangapur , Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
The alternative discourse that has emerged since
the end of the Cold War focuses on human security. Whereas traditional
international relations analysis of security focused on military threats to
states, human security has expanded the discussion on vertical and horizontal
axes. On the vertical one, it has extended the referent of security downward
from states to individual human beings. Moreover, human security has extended
the substance of security horizontally outwards from its focus on military
affairs to embrace other issues, including criminality, the defence of human
rights, economic threats, environmental threats and threats to health.16
There is substantial disagreement over how broad the category of threats
covered under the concept of human security should be.17 Two general clusters
have emerged. One embraces a narrow conception of human security, focusing on
violent threats to the survival and integrity of the physical persons.18 The
other takes a much broader and multi-dimensional view of threats to human
beings, going well beyond violence.19 Proponents of this latter, broader view
of human security point out that physical violence is far from the most
significant threat to the survival and welfare of human beings. Fatalities
from violence are dwarfed by those, for example, from disease and from
famine. In another chapter in this volume, Liora Lazarus challenges the
amalgamation of specific rights with reasonably clear meaning into an
amorphous concept of the right to security. In her view, to move in that
direction risks diluting the protections afforded to human beings. The
proponents of a narrow view of human security offer an analogous argument:
the broader the parameters of security and the fuzzier the boundaries, the
less useful the concept of security is as an analytical and policy concept.
In contrast, an understanding of security that emphasises freedom from the
threat of physical violence avoids the diffusion of attention and of policy
that is arguably implicit in broader conceptions. In addition, rolling
concepts such as human development and basic rights into an overarching
category of human security risks diverting attention and policy focus from
those aspirations. Underlying this conceptual disagreement over the purview
of human security is a competition for resources. The word ‘security’ carries
a political and value content that privileges it in resource allocation. It
is one thing to say that a policy is a matter of group interest or political
preference and quite another to say that it is a matter of security.
Appropriating the word, consequently, may enhance access to scarce resources.
It is not surprising, therefore, that it is in the development community that
the economic dimension of security is emphasised, in the health community
that disease is highlighted, and so on. Human security concerns have been
translated into numerous normative and legal developments. The acceleration
of norm-setting regarding human security issues falls into three categories.
In the first, we find a growing number of state treaty commitments regarding
the security of civilians, both in conflict and in non-conflict situations.
One example is the 1997 treaty banning the deployment, trade and production
of anti-personnel landmines;20 another is the protocol on the recruitment of
children into national armed forces;21 and a third is the earlier
International Convention on Torture.22
Human Security And
Twinkle Singhal
Student, Amity School
of Applied Sciences, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
In terms
of security rights, states have been very progressive and active and putting
light on the inadequacies of humans and their related securities and
insecurities. The meaning of security is being transformed but the
fundamental purpose is to protect all the citizens. The present discourse
reflects the change in global reality and the change in perspective goes
along with it. It somewhere has caused us to rethink the principles of
national sovereignty. With this, protection of people is the growing concern
which has been reflected with this shift. Well in realism and contrast with
gender, human (social animal) security is a substantial umbrella. Protecting
national sovereignty and addressing the plight of violations of human rights
has led to gain in momentum in recognition of the insecurity and security of
humans and society.
Human Security Cries
In Afghanistan: Role Of International Community
Aman Raj
Research Scholar, Central
University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Security is concerned with the safety of people and communities instead of
the state. It is about the vulnerabilities of people and their communities.
Firstly used in the Human Development Index Report in 1994 it recognises
several dimensions of security such as Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear
and Freedom to live in Dignity. One such case is Afghanistan, which is
suffering from a humanitarian emergency. With the collapse of the republic
government and capturing of power by the Taliban, the situation of the Afghan
people became precarious. The cries, suffering and ordeals of people remained
unheard. This condition needs the significant contribution and support of the
international community. Hence, the paper tries to analyse the nature of
human insecurities in Afghanistan and the constructive role of the
International community
Human Security From
The Lens Of Human Rights: An Analysis On Right To Life
Dr. Rajshree Dutta
Assistant Professor,
Fakir Mohan University, Odisha
In the global debate on the changing meaning of
security, human security has been established as a distinctive new concept,
which broadens the idea of security in exceptional ways. Human security is
not about states and nations, but about individuals and people. Human rights
are an inherent part of human security. Human rights have been described as
the center of human security and as a normative framework for human security.
Article 21 is at the heart of the Constitution of India. It states that Right
to Life and Liberty is one of the fundamental rights given to every human
being in the country and it has to be protected. In line with this
constitutional vision, all-inclusive people-centric security is inextricably
linked to the guarantee of human rights protection enshrined in the
Constitution. India like many other countries in the world has adopted
different measures to protect right to life and has enacted a wide range of
special laws that give powers to security forces but the concern is neglect
of accountability. Borrowing from the tenets of the global human security
concept as well as relocating the idea of national security within the
context of the Constitution and international human rights frameworks, can also
lend greater ideological clarity and stronger human rights learning to shape
a new understanding of security and right to life in context of India.
Therefore, based on the secondary sources, this paper intends to highlight
the constitutional and legislative responses by the Indian government for
safeguarding right to life, human rights violations by state agents, and
bring out the challenges and the way forward for guaranteeing right to life,
as one of the important indicator of human security.
Human Security In
Foreign Policy: The Indian Perspectives
Subarna Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor,
Amity University, Kolkata, West Bengal
The end of Cold War in 1989 has changed the long
termed notion of Security in the history of International Politics.
Traditional military ways of making and sustaining peace and managing
conflicts were greatly changed to Non-Traditional Security measures associated
with various diplomatic channels. Post Soviet Union, the direction of the
Indian Foreign Policy has also taken an obvious shift. Around the same time,
due to the mounting economic burden, India has also introduced the Economic
Liberalization Policy in early 1990s to its Union Budget. The mention of
‘Human Security’ in United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human
Development Report in 1994 brought one new dimension to the concept of
Non-Traditional Security. Looking at this definition of the Human Security by
UNDP, one can relate it to the very basis of India’s relation with the world
since independence, be it Panchsheel or declared policy of ‘no first strike’
of nuclear weapons. In this article, we will try to find out how the essence
of Human Security remained at core with the changing dynamics of Indian
Foreign Policy in recent years focusing on the South Asian region.
Human Security In
The Post Covid-19 World
Dr. Mohd Younes Bhat
Professor, Government Degree College Kulgam-University of Kashmir, Kashmir
The post Covid-19 world has been a world of
fragility and vulnerability of the human conditions all across the world.
However, its greater fallout has been on the poor people and poorer
countries. The world has seen global medical emergency, greater economic
stagnation, inequality, food and medicine shortage,
violences on women, migrants and refugees. The pandemic has not been limited
to socio-economic sphere, it changed the geo-political geo-economic landscape
of the global politics. The post Covid-19 world is reflecting growing
autocracies, atomism, unilateralism and has reversed
the global cooperation and multilateralism. Hence, the human security has
become more vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic. What will the world look
like after COVID-19? Many of the problems we will face in the next decade
will simply be more extreme versions of those that we already confront today.
This paper will try to unfold these all issues and would seek to analyse the
emerging order of human securities in the Post Covid-19 pandemic. The paper
will be based on analytical study.
Human Security In
View Of Climate Change: Sustaining Environmental Concerns
Dr. Kamlesh Pritwani
Senior Faculty, Shri
Ratanlal Kanwarlal Patni Government P.G. College, Kishangarh, Rajasthan
The issues of human security and conflict in
relation to climate change have progressed to a place where they represent a
recognized and important component in the climate change conversation and are
being addressed in a diverse range of fora through meetings, reports and
changes in policy. Climate change poses an immediate threat to national
security, calling on the military to incorporate climate change into broader
strategic thinking about high-risk regions. Climate change is referred to as
a “threat multiplier” due to its potential to aggravate number of the current
challenges faced in some fields, like infectious disease, terrorism and
conflict over scarce resources. It can contribute to instability, lead to
displacement and migration, worsen existing conflicts and threaten global
security. Climate change threatens the lives and livelihoods of billions of
people. Natural disasters, environmental degradation and extreme weather
patterns interrupt harvests, deplete fisheries, erode livelihoods and spur infectious
diseases. Demographic trends, migration and rapid urbanization converge with
climate change, raising the stakes for those most vulnerable. Climate change
can contribute to food insecurity and increase the frequency and intensity of
extreme weather events, which can lead to massive displacement and migration
and conflict over food, water and arable land and border disputes. This
ultimately reflects a lack of security in the daily lives of people. As
climate change impacts worsen and temperatures rise, the threats to security
have the potential to become more projecting. The UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol comprise no reference to human
security. Besides, when discussions on security and climate change at global
level first took place almost ten years ago when the UN Security Council
addressed the impacts of climate change on peace and security, the issue was
still considered a “future” concern. Climate change also impacts on the
infrastructure and territorial integrity of States, and, as such, is expected
to influence national security policies. Through supporting community
actions, the human security approach aims to reduce disaster risks, make
sustainable use of environmental resources and foster peaceful, prosperous
societies. Human security programmes have advanced in-depth analysis of the
local context to understand the multidimensional consequences of climate
change and its impact on the severity and distribution of risks and
vulnerabilities. Programmes promote inclusive responses that address the
social, economic and environmental impacts, help tailor disaster mitigation
strategies to local capacities and resources and ensure local engagement in
resilience-building efforts.
Human Security,
Governance And Disaster Risk Preparedness Of Delhi Metro During Fire Hazard:
A Case Study Of Central Secretariat Metro Station, New Delhi
Dr. Shweta Rani
Assistant Professor,
Department of Geography, Dyal Singh College, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Urban centers all over the world are known for
their effective transport network that supports a huge population,
stimulating the ease of movement of people and services. Such transport
networks have successfully connected many parts of the city to one another.
Delhi is one of the fastest growing urban centers in India, with a huge
population base, and offering some of the best facilities to its people in
terms of infrastructure i.e., transport in the form of transit system. In the
last decade the people of Delhi witnessed the emergence of one of the world’s
most extensive Urban Rapid Transit Systems, in the form of the Delhi Metro.
In Delhi Metro with innumerable headcounts per day, the chances of a
potential disaster or precisely a hazard are more than an actual disaster
itself. Looking at the present situation of overcrowding in metro, human
security is a major concern and the vulnerability of metro to a hazard cannot
be ignored. A fire outbreak is one such disaster where its sudden outbreak
might prove to be fatal and damage property permanently if not controlled in
time. It can become more threatening at heavily crowded areas like the
interchange metro station of Central Secretariat lying on the yellow line and
connecting it with the Violet line. A fire outbreak can be referred to as a
hazard if it is having the potential to cause large scale destruction, it
becomes a disaster when the magnitude of this potential increases to a great
extent along with the high intensity of damage and destruction. In light of
preceding understanding, the present study tends to highlight the state of
human security and associated fire management and control at metro stations
simultaneously focusing on the levels of awareness among the commuters
regarding the same. The study aims to assess the communication between the
DMRC and the masses, highlighting how well are the masses able to decipher
the guidelines issued by the DMRC, ensuring their security. The study is
based on both primary and secondary data sources collected from various sources
using stratified purposive sampling and aided by online survey and telephonic
interviews using social media platforms. The result shows wide regional and
spatial disparities in the awareness level among the commuters and DMRC staff
members regarding the management and control of fire hazards. Also, people
were not aware of the evacuation plans that had been put up at various points
all throughout the metro station due to lack of effective communication
between the masses and the DMRC. The paper aims to provide some innovative
and meaningful suggestions like installation of big screens where the
duration of the advertisement should coincide with the arrival time of next
metro, issuing disaster management alerts at frequent intervals, display of a
3-D evacuation plan models, regular mock drills and conduct of workshops etc.
The finding suggests that proper decision-making to these basic
infrastructures can minimize human losses and can go a long way in
maintaining a mutual trust between DMRC and their riders, thus ensuring human
sustainability and maintaining human security.
Human Security:
Role And Impact Of School Education And Governance
Ravinder Kumar
Professor, Govt College for Girls, Mohana, Sonipat, Haryana
Human security is
the biggest concern worldwide. People, scholars and scientists all over the
globe critically analysing the issues and factors which are and may be a
threat to human security. Enumerating those issues and factors like climate
change, terrorism, wars, pandemic, poverty and ignorance, autocracy and
violation of human rights, civil wars and riots, emergence of new diseases,
natural extremes, extremist thinking and superstitions, communal hatred,
racism and casteist thinking, etc are the major input from where human
insecurity takes root and then breeds. Though some of them are inevitable
and natural, yet the destruction/damage could be controlled utilizing
better education and governance. However, many factors of human insecurity
are anthropogenic and could lead to catastrophic destruction, history had
scores of examples in terms of war, terrorism, communal riots, civil wars,
and so on. Such outcome of gross human injustice originates from ignorance
and/or bad governance, which subsequently led to many dangerous mental make
up a man/woman can have and creates human beings as the greatest threat to
their fellow human beings. Not just philosophically but also naturally,
security of life is regarded as the chief concern by the philosophers since
ages; from the advent of civilization, and even pre-civilization,
protection of self has been the main objective which the human being
conceived. Philosophers like Aristotle described two basic instincts of
individual, self-defense and sexual desire; similarly John Locke in his
natural rights theory included Right to life (among three) as the paramount
one. However, human security is an umbrella term encompasses protection of
people and communities, not just securing the life of one person. This
paper is an attempt to decipher the philosophical and scientific bases of
human security and how the ignorance, bad governance, sense of greed and
fear, etc led to human insecurity. The paper, in detail, discuss and
critically analyse the role and impact of school education and governance
in achieving human security, its various dimensions (social, economic,
political and cultural) through examples. There exist a great consensus
among philosophers, scientists, leaders and organisations that without
proper education (disappear ignorance, broad vision and farsightedness,
wisdom, etc) and governance model implementation (enabling environment to
an individual for development and removing the obstacles) human security
can't be achieved.
Human Trafficking
And Organized Crime In India: A Case Of Intra-State Challenges In South
Dipankar Dey
Research Scholar, Central
University of Jharkhand, Jharkhand
Human trafficking
is one of the main prominent challenges towards the State mechanism
throughout the globe. Today India’s has also faced the greatest threats
from human trafficking and its associated organized crime. Eventually,
human trafficking has caused to accomplish human right violence, increase
bonded labour, prostitution, presence insecurity in society and etc. among
which women and children are affected more globally and particularly, India
has been the main destination or source for human trafficking and involving
related organized crime. In order to obtain, It would more tremendous
visible within the transit of Intra - State human trafficking. Now the
question is remains the how India will be eliminating and combating all
forms of human trafficking activities in every corner of the societies?
According to the Stanford University report, India’s 90 percent human trafficking
has taken place at the domestic level. Whereas, Government of India data
showed that in 2016 total number of 8132 (eight thousand one hundred
thirty-two) cases were reported under the human trafficking activities
across India whereas, along West Bengal has reported 3579 cases. In
addition, the Government of India has been setting up 332 Anti-Human
trafficking units across the states for preventing and combating human
trafficking and related organized crime. Indeed, whether the Government
proposes to bring radical change in administrative mechanism to effectively
deal with such crimes along with other measures to check incidents of human
trafficking and forced labour in the country. The paper will analyze the
root causes of human trafficking and its subsequent organized crime such as
bonded labour, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced marriage and
so on
Impact Of Covid 19
On Migrant Workers In Jammu And Kashmir
Dr. Anjum Ara Shamim
Assistant Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Dr. Sanjeda Warsi
Assistant Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Around four lakh migrant labourers show up in the
Valley every year and work in farms, small scale industries, factories, brick
kilns, saloons and construction companies. Due to spread of pandemic
government decided to put some measures in place to control the spread. As a
measure, the administration has already placed strict restrictions on the
movement of people while sealing all borders and air traffic and has advised
people not to move from their homes unnecessarily. As the harvesting season,
which begins in September and lasts till November end, is at its peak, the
mass exodus of the migrant labourers from the Valley could significantly hit
the agriculture related activities In the wake of growing COVID-19 cases in
Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, many migrant workers who are stuck in
the region were making desperate appeals to the government for food and
transportation. This paper is an attempt to understand conditions of migrant
workers during Covid -19
Impact Of Covid 19
Pandemic On Human Security And Education: An Empirical Study
Ritika Verma
Student, Department
Of Anthropology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab
COVID-19 pandemic affected the life of every
person whether rich or poor, irrespective of class or caste, teacher or
student, men or women. It affected the lives physically as well as socially
through socio-economic disparities. The pandemic affected not only teaching
and learning but the capacity to think, giving thought on logics,
explorations, innovation, etc. of the young minds. Human security is
basically a fusion of development and security in the community. As per the
Census 2011, about 34.33% of the Indian population consists of youth, and in
the current situation, this percentage is supposed to increase. COVID-19 has
declined the level of scientific temperament of the youth and the society at
large. The country needs people with the capacity to think independently,
logically and critically and also to create knowledge for increasing the
social security as a whole. This paper aims to know understand that how the
pandemic is impacting the social security of the human being as well as the
scientific temperament of the young population. It further attempts to know
what can be the solutions to the problems faced by them during the pandemic
scenario. The results of the present study have very significant value in the
field of Human Security viz. Health insecurity, Educational insecurity,
Economic Disruptions, Human Development and Gender Issues during the
Pandemic. The findings of the study can bring about revolutionary changes
from the perspective of the human security for the young adults and the
society at large
Impact Of Covid-19
On Migrant Workers
Dr. Ramfhoul Jat
Assistant Professor,
Government College, Dausa, Rajasthan
The socio-economic crisis induced by Covid-19 in
the worldwide countries could be long, deep, and pervasive, especially for
the migrant workers. Migrant workers in India tend to live and work in cities
in crowded conditions that do not permit social distancing, putting them at
an increased risk of various diseases. Migrant workers face challenges
accessing health care even in normal circumstances due to lack of health
insurance, cost, administrative hurdles, lack of public health
infrastructure, and lack of access to medical facilities. `India was one of
the leading countries to implement the initial lockdown The sudden lockdown
due to Covid placed the migrant workers in India at critical situation on the
roads, having lost jobs and being left without income, food, and
accommodation. They travelled back
home on foot only to be shuttled into shelters and relief camps hastily
cobbled up as a last-minute response to the migrant crisis. This article
analyses the specific ways in which Indian migrant workers have been affected
by the pandemic and examines the response of the government and its impact in
mitigating and addressing the crisis.
Impact Of Food
Security On Human Security And Sustainable Governance
Arpita Singh
Research Scholar, Centre
for Development Studies, University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
The paper
explores the relationship between food and human security in context of
sustainable governance in India and also the impact on human security.
According to UN General Assembly (66/290), that human security means securing
survival of an individual and strengthen their individuality by empowering
livelihood; whereas food security means that everyone has equal access of
sufficient, safe and nutritious food at all times for an active and healthy
life as define by FAO. Though, food is a basic human right and also
categorized as one of the basic aspects of human security and development in
the report of human development. This paper reflects the impact of food
security in terms of an individual security & sustainable development.
Many international & national organizations are working for human
welfare, still there has been some sorts of gap exists viz; due to population
explosion, poverty and unemployment everyone doesn’t get better quality of
food and livelihood. The rate of stunting, malnutrition and hunger has been
also increased after covid19 pandemic. Consequently, for decimating food
insecurity and poverty government must have to introduce sustainable, &
ethical policies based on sustainable & accountable approach.
Impact Of Online
Teaching Among Women Teachers And Parents During Coronavirus Pandemic In
P Lalitha
Research Scholar, The
American College, Tamil Nadu
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, teachers and
parents of children were affected in their quality of life due to online
education. This research paper aims to evaluate the online teaching impact of
covid-19 among women teachers and parents of children who lives in Madurai.
The E- survey was conducted from 1st December 2021 to 31st January 2022 to
obtain their information. The mailed questionnaire was sent to the women
teachers and parents via Google form through WhatsApp and E-mail. A sample of
60 respondents was provided with full information regarding this research
paper. The percentage and tabulation methods were used to analyse the
research objectives. In the pandemic period, 75% of parents of children have
affected their various walks of daily life due to online class supervision.
80% of women teachers have been facing the problem of increased workload.
Increasing Marital
Age Of Marriage For Girls: A Step Towards Women Empowerment"
Kiran Chauhan
Assistant Professor,
Bhupal Nobles University, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Increasing marital age of marriage for girls: A
step towards Women empowerment" The Union cabinet took the decision to
raise the legal age of marriage for women from 18-21 year. The government is
bringing the age of marriage for both men & women equally as per Article
14 of the Indian Constitution which provides right to equalotywithout any
discrimination. The recently released National Family Health Survey ( NFHS) revealed that child marriage has come down
marginally from 27% to 23% in 2020. This Article discuss about the legal
provisions regarding marriage & also its role in women empowerment.
Directors: A Comparative Study Of India And Australia
Pooja Shukla and Dr.
Sanjiv Chaturvedi
Research Scholar, Ranchi
University, Jharkhand
Corporate sector plays very important role in the
sustainable growth and development of any economy. Jurisdictions in which
corporate are subjected to good governance practices are more prosperous as
compared to those having weaker governance. Board of director’s independence
is considered as the corner stone of corporate governance in any country.
Although the concept of Independent director emerged in the US as a voluntary
measure which was made compulsory there following the management and
shareholders agency theory problems commonly referred as the outsider’s model
problems. The giant corporate failures occurring across the various
jurisdictions compelled the regulators across the globe to make compulsory
provision regarding the Independent Directors irrespective of the model of
corporate governance they were following. Following the initiative taken by
the US and UK various other countries also adopted the provision of
overhauling and revamping the board structure for ensuring better governance
by appointing Independent directors. The focus of the present paper is on
study of the regulatory provisions related to the office of the independent
director of the two countries i.e. India and Australia belonging to the Asia
pacific region.
India Requisite To
Strengthen Its National Security Emphasizing On Police And Prison Reforms To
Carb The Growing Security Threats From Internal And External Forces
Dr Sumanta
Research Scholar, Maulana
Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology & The National Academy of Legal
Studies and Research, West Bengal
National security is of utmost importance to protect
the integrity and unity of a country. India faces threats from both external
and internal forces. With liberalization and globalization, the pattern of
crimes has also changed. With the advancement in technology, cybercrimes, and
cyber terrorism is taking a dynamic shape in our society. Cyberwarfare is the
biggest threat of the 21st century which can collapse the whole economy of a
country without the use of violence. Today, developed countries and
developing countries are much considered the rising organized crimes and
terrorists. Border management and maritime security are strengthening their
forces to tackle this threat, water wars are rising and these are easy routes
for a terrorist to enter a nation and carry out illicit crimes. For internal
and external security, first, we need to strengthen our police forces, there
has been hardly any reform in India in the police sector since independence,
as for normal citizens police are the first people whom the society will
approach. We need to upgrade the system, We need to isolate police regulation
of investigation, law management by appointing multiple police officials in a
different sector to elucidate good governance, employ women officials to
provide comfortable investigation facilities for female gender We need to
provide sufficient manpower to provide sufficient balance in safety and
security management in disturb areas., introduce special education
certification in the field of disaster management, cyber security, traffic
management from different International and national universities at a
minimum rate. We also need to improve the conditions of our prison system and
deploy more security as today prisons are becoming a target to carry out
organized crimes and terrorism has support through which they can easily
access the Internet. We need to maintain better coordination with the police
department for prison management and security to maintain national security
and protect our nation from terrorism and increasing crime
India’s Quest For
Self-Reliance In The Defence Sector: The Dilemma Of Defence Or Development
Honey Raj
Research Scholar, Central
University of Jharkhand, Jharkhand
Defence and Development have remained companions
to each other in India’s National Security discourse and are largely
perceived within the “guns vs butter debate. The general notion is that the
defence expenditure is indispensable for maintaining national security,
integrity, peace, harmony, etc. India is not an exception to this ideology.
To main a secure stable and peaceful environment, defence expenditure is
mandatory. In India planned development has been going on for several decades
now. During this period various sectors of the economy have witnessed a
record level of development. Despite all this development, India’s population
growth has not slowed down. The rise in population poses a major challenge to
economic growth initially further hindering human development. Therefore,
Human Resource Development is the only pragmatic approach to tackle the
problem of population and development in India. The assessment of the
economic and social effects of military expenditure has been a debatable
issue for decades. Defence spending has a positive impact on economic growth
through its impact on aggregate demand, internal and external
security-enhancing investment and employment opportunity in an economy, and
an adverse impact on economic growth mainly through its crowding-out effects
and balance of payment issues. Investment in defence also creates job opportunities
and hence, increases purchasing power and demand for goods and services and
boost economic growth. Thus, the debate of gun vs butter or defence vs
development is a matter of perception and both the expenditure are
indispensable and cannot be neglected.
India's National
Security Policy And Human Security
Neeraj Singh Manhas
Research Scholar, Sardar
Patel University, Gujarat
In a rapidly integrating and globalising world,
as well as an increasingly interdependent and multipolar international
system, the security discourse's predominant military-strategic orientation
came to be viewed as excessively narrow and insufficient. As a result,
individuals became the primary locus of security. Freedom from desire and
fear developed into the most effective defences against insecurity. Analysing
threats holistically and interdisciplinary should aid in identifying critical
threats and formulating the appropriate course of action. The threats
confronting India demonstrate the traditional security concept's inability to
address them. In this regard, force is not the most effective tool for
dealing with the myriad threats; rather, human development and humane
governance are the preferred instruments of security. A comprehensive human
security approach is required in India's national security calculus and
policymaking. In other words, a comprehensive security policy that
incorporates the human security paradigm is required. The paper demonstrates
the inadequacy of India's traditional security approach and advocates for the
adoption of the concept of human security.
Approach In A Study Of Education Governance And Social Theory
Renuka Shyam Narain
Research Scholar, Indira
Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
Governance means form the system through which an
organisation is controlled and regulated, and decision-making process take
place by undertaking all the aspects of the decision making like compliance,
Ethics, administration, society and risk management. Education Governance in
the decision-making process regarding the education system and changes in the
education system with the requirements in the economy. It includes the
organisations and processes which manage the education systems and would
allocate responsibilities and definite roles in determining the education
policies and programs. Countries carry out differently their education
governance as per their policies and requirements in the country. Social
theory means the theory that explains the behaviours and actions of society
under the political, sociological, and philosophical effects. The reaction of
society as a whole is due to the change or introduction of the new policy in
the economy. An interdisciplinary approach or study means the combination of
two or more academic disciplines or including all the disciplines into one
activity. In the 21century, the study of education governance is an important
area of research with the change in education systems with the effect of the
political, economic, and social developments nationally and globally. In this
article, we would analyse this important issue through theoretical
perspectives and methodological approaches by studying the education
governance or changes in the education with the change in the time and
situation in different countries. Role of the education governance in the
country and impact of social theory with the variations in the education
policies. The impact of digitalisation in the education governance in the
country. With that, I have also considered the recommendation based on the
research and finding through a combination of two academic disciplines in the
Intruding 'Privacy'
In The 21St Century: An Analysis
Dr. Amrita Dey
Assistant Professor,
Political Science, Amity University Kolkata
have been discussing and debating on traditional and unconventional security
threats since the end of the Cold War. While conventional security threats
are primarily state-centric, the unconventional/asymmetric threats cropped up
from non-state actors of different kinds. In the 21st century these non-state
centric issues have expanded to encompass privacy issues in our diurnal
lives—a ‘mistrust’, ‘an uncanny’ fear of being watched and noticed by all
those whom we go for ‘assistance’. These kind of intrusions are visible both
in our physical and virtual interactions. My paper on ‘intruding Privacy’ in
the 21st century examines these plethora of in(security)
issues at the individual and state level. It attempts to study the ‘myths’
and reality’ of such human insecurity and the mechanisms society can generate
to create awareness of them. The paper will combine experiences from personal
lives as well as secondary sources of information from variegated sources.’.
Local Governance In
Ancient India
Madhu Kumawat
Assistant Professor,
Shri Ratanlal Kanwarlal Patni Government P.G. College, Kishangarh, Rajasthan
Local Governance During the ancient Hindu period,
the villages enjoyed autonomy and were governed by the panchayats which
exercised administrative and judicial powers. These village bodies received a
setback under the Muslim rule and almost disappeared in their old form under
the British, confining their authority only to the social life of the village
community. The annexation of territory and over centralization of
administration during the early British period brought about total extinction
of traditional institutions of local self-government in India. Since earliest
times, the village has been the pivot of administration in India. Its
importance was naturally very great in an age when communication were slow
and industrialisation unknown. Town played a relatively unimportant part in
ancient Indian life, the Vedic hymns frequently prey for the prosperity of
village, but rarely for that of towns and cities. While describing the
prosperity of a kingdom, Jatakas proudly give the large number of prosperous
villages included in it, but are altogether oblivious to the existence of
towns and cities that may flourished in it. In the Vedic age, states were
small and this circumstance further enhanced the importance of the village.
In later times, even when kingdoms became large, there was no change in the
situation, because the village was the natural pivot of administration in a
rural society. In modern times, governors often convene a conference of
collectors to discuss important question of administrative policy
; in ancient times kings like Bimbisara used to convene a meeting of
village headmen for similar purpose. There is no doubt that village were the
real centres of social life and important units in the country's economy.
They sustained the edifice of national culture, prosperity and
administration. The object of this paper is to search of local Governance in
Ancient India
Maoist Insurgency
And Human Security In India And Nepal
Suvarna Bhaurao
Research Scholar, Mumbai
University, Maharashtra
Human security is all about freedom from threat
and insecurity. One of the non traditional kind of threat to human security
is from external actors like terrorist organisation etc. The paper analysises
the threat to human security from indegenously developed Naxalites movement
for India and growth of Maoist led politics in Nepal. There are also
evidences of significant connection between moists groups in both the
countries leading to spillover effects.The paper critically analyses origin,
growth, spread of Maoist as well as henious crime committed against humanity.
The paper also mentioned about efforts of both countries in containing maoist
through various strategies. The paper concludes that democratic development
is the only remedy for all kinds of threat to human security.
Mapping The Changes
In The Governance Of The Bjp Led Coalition Government In Manipur
Naorem Malemsanba
Assistant Professor,
Ghanapriya Women's College, Dhanamanjuri University, Imphal, Manipur
Manipur is one of the northeast states of India
inhabited mainly by different indigenous (yelhoumee) communities namely the
Meitei/Meetei, Meitei-Pangal, Nagas and Kukis since eternity. After the
coming of the BJP led coalition government in the state of Manipur in 2017,
there have been substantial changes in the state’s polity, economy,
socio-culture and infrastructure. In this context, some of the basic
questions that need to be studied are given as: What are the changes that the
BJP led government has brought about in the polity of the state? Are there
any changes in the health infrastructure of the state in the last five years?
Is the state peaceful nowadays? What does the popular slogan ‘Go to Hills’ of
the government mean for the hill and valley people? To explore the above-mentioned
queries is the crux of the paper.
Impact Of Pandemic
And Lockdowns On Women
Dr. Anjum Ara Shamim
Assistant Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Dr. Sanjeda Warsi
Assistant Professor,
University of Kashmir, Kashmir
Covid-19 has resulted in certain structural
changes that made women more vulnerable and marginalised. This pandemic has
increased marginalisation of an already marginalised section of the society.
In Kashmir, a society affected by conflict , women
are facing various problems and at the same time using their agency to deal
with the challenges posed by current pandemic. The main objective of the
present paper is to understand the nature of the suffering of Kashmiri women
and impact of different lockdowns on their lives. This paper is also an
attempt to understand disproportionate impact of the Covid-19 lockdown
clubbed with armed conflict on women, whether it is direct crimes committed
against women or indirect impact of governmental policies and decisions taken
to deal with this natural calamity. To place these ideas into context and to
understand lived experiences of Kashmiri women, Kashmiri society has been
taken as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used to
conduct this study. To understand the impact of lockdown a questionnaire has
been used clubbed with ethnographic open ended interviews of the women
randomly selected among medical staff and patients who could not avoid
getting out of their houses even in strict lockdowns.
Normalisation Of
Terrorism And State Level Sabotage Of Human Security: An Analysis On Taliban
And Afghanistan
Cyriac S Pampackal
Assistant Professor,
Mar Athanasius College (Autonomous) Kothamangalam, Kerala
The fall of the democratically elected Afghanistan
government and the disastrous failure of state machineries following the US
withdrawal has left the people of Afghanistan in peril under the new Taliban
led regime. The perilous status of human security in Afghanistan was
primarily evident from the desperate efforts to flee from the country made by
a significant number of Afghan people during the US withdrawal. The
international acceptance of the Taliban as the new governing authority of
Afghanistan coupled with the internal dictations made by the Taliban regime
has further curbed the rights and freedom of Afghan people. This paper will
be looking into the impacts of the normalised legitimisation of the terrorist
regime on the human security aspects of Afghanistan.
Politicisation Of
Education: A Neo-Governance Approach Degrading Education.
Aanchal Seth
Student, Passed out
from Punjab University 2020, Punjab
pandemic has created a chaos in education system. From decrease in quality of
education to rate of increase in dropout rate to female education be
marginalised and the broke mid-day scheme is one discourse. Another discourse
being Education being politicised in every zone may it be bringing in part
ideologies into the course work of students or shaping of higher education
into reservation-based politics or we can say new emergence of ‘Mandal
system’ but in zones of education. This new approach of government in the
modern world still filled with orthodox beliefs can be named as
neo-governance. The difference in approach from era of UPA to NDA will
brought in highlights how the politicisation of education is degrading the
value of knowledge in our nation.
Data Publishing: Applications, Opportunities And Challenges
Thomas Abraham
Research Scholar, Mahatma
Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala
We know that privacy is an important thing in
this era. The privacy-preserved data publishing has become much more
important in these recent years because of the increasing ability to store
and publish personal data about users, and the increasing sophistication of
data publishing algorithms and techniques to leverage this information. In
this paper, we are going to discuss and study about different transformation
methods and techniques that are associated with privacy, that is
randomization, k-anonymity, l-diversity and also
handles like how perturbed data can be used in conjunction with publishing
approaches. Privacy preservation facing many challenges in this era mainly
due to privacy violations. In this paper we will discuss it along with some
future challenges and opportunities.
Property Rights For
Hindu Women: An Insight Into Hindu Succession Amendment Act And Issue Of
Women Security
Dr. Kirat Grewal
Associate Professor, University School of Legal
Studies, Chandigarh University
Women rights in India can be better understood
and appreciated in light of the past. The present paper speculates the
property rights of Hindu women in Ancient Period to critically appreciate the
changes that have gradually evolved in context of Hindu Succession. The
present paper makes a modest attempt to study the transitional shift in terms
of property rights for Hindu women as it existed in ancient times and as they
hold today; how far quantum and quality of these rights has improved in light
of Hindu Succession Amendment Act (2005) and identify grey areas for
improvement. The said amendment in 2005 took the progressive step of making
daughters coparceners at par with sons so that they receive an equal
birthright to a share in the natal family’s ancestral property, i.e.,
parents’ property. However, the actual
materialization of property rights for women is yet to occur in its true
spirit. The issue of property rights is exceedingly complex because the
distribution of property rights is governed largely by customary law,
patriarchal ideologies, in the form of social and cultural barriers. Women
must be provided with more awareness about their rights to property and
should have access to better legal aid. The legal processes for realizing
women’s claims must also be reworked so as to remove any psychological and
social barriers in the path of women who want to approach the law.
Protection Of Human
Rights & Good Governance: Role Of The Indian State In Providing Public
Soumalya Ghosh
Assistant Professor,
Sewnarayan Rameswar Fatepuria College, West Bengal
Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 has
codified a long list of Rights which is deemed essential for the survival of
human beings in any civilized country. Countries which have ratified this
declaration have considered it as an objective set of standards by which
their performance can be analyzed. It requires an appropriate legal framework
with democratically structured institutions along with necessary legal,
political and administrative process to actualize demands of population. Here
lies the mutual relationship between human rights and good governance. They
are mutually supportive of each other. If human rights stand for having a
conducive and enabling environment it is through good governance that such
environment can be protected. Good governance which generally stands for
enjoyment of authority through a transparent and accountable manner with its
emphasis on expanding the area for public participation in formal decision
making process or informal discussions regarding public policies. This paper
starts with a general focus on various generations of rights. After that
emphasis will be given on role of Indian state through its governance in
ensuring delivery a variety of services to its citizens. Finally based on
available primary and secondary data, this paper will try to analyze how far
in the fields of education, health and social welfare services states are
able to ensure protection and promotion of Human Rights for the poorest and
most marginalized through its existing governance system.
Public Health And
Governance In India
Raghu Raj Singodia
Assistant Professor,
Seth Net Ram Magh Raj Tibrewala, Govermment Girls College, Jhunjhunu,
This paper explores the health policy and
governance in India. Health, according to the World Health Organization, is
"a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease and infirmity.Public health has been described
as "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and
promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of
society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. A
disease imbalance in body requires systematic and effective solution. Health
providers need to adopt humanistic consideration as well.The role of the
government in influencing population health is not limited within the health
sector but also by various sectors outside the health systems. Health system
strengthening, human resource development and capacity building and
regulation in public health are important areas within the health sector.
Recognition Of
Tribal Peoples’ Right And Governance: A Study Of Jharkhand (India)
Mr. Rakesh Kumar
Research Scholar, Central
University of Jharkhand, Brambe, Ranchi, Jharkhand
research paper is primarily based on secondary sources and qualitative
methods for studying recognition of Tribal peoples’ rights and governance
over traditional resources of Jharkhand. Tribal peoples of this land have
been inhabited on those areas since time immemorial where all the valuable
minerals, ores and natural resources are mostly located have recognized as
schedules areas as per the specific constitutional provisions. The different
modes of Tribal economy among the 32 Tribal communities of this land have
been found during colonial and also after independence, primarily based on
forest and agriculture land, which have still been prevailed with some
changes in them to the present scenarios in spite of modernity,
industrialization, deforestation and introducing other developing programs in
those areas. The government of India has also recognized their right and
governance over their traditional resources which are the constitute parts of
their society and culture. In the present study, the researcher will focus in
detailed on the above mentioned matters in the context of traditional rights
and constitutional provisions under the proposed title of this research paper.
Rethinking The Human
Security Approach For Responding To Covid In India
Dr. Pratham Prakash